Battling Extreme Desert Heat

Our birds are from Eagle Nest. Also in ohio. All healthy and thriving. Had ordered extras just in case but no losses. I have a catalog from meyer and may use them next year. I drove to pick our chicks up instead if shipping.

We really want a breeding pair if aracaunas. Also a couple if marans girls. Our 4-H pullets next yr will likely be either buckeyes or light brahma. Our judges prefer heavy girls. I can't complain about Eagle Nest except that for show we need identical birds and out of 3 rir and 3 bo each set has an odd ball. If I had ordered only 2 of each we may not have had sets suitable for showing. Not huge differences but different combs. That is enough to push you from 1st place to not placing at all. 4-H is about learning but lets face facts. Every kid wants to win. We need a couple more bantam girls for our bantam boy but I hate buying straight run. I bought 5 last time. 4 were boys. Had to give 3 away. Not the best odds and had a hard time getting rid of extras even for free. Luckily every chick at eagle nest was only $2 but i did have to pay a fee for not ordering their minimum number. When we they imposed the poultry ban due to AI and said no birds allowed at fair I was happy that I had decided against the $45 birds from the breeder.
My neighbors are big into 4-H. What you say is spot on. I have 3 Marans. A Blue Splash, a White and a Cuckoo. Lovely friendly birds. AI not happening here, not an issue in Ca thank goodness other than $5.00 per dz eggs. I looked into breeding. I want to hobby breed for show and perfection. I found breed clubs to be very helpful. Aracanuas lay such pretty eggs! Lemmie know where you go with that!
Right? I worried about teaching them to use it. No training needed! My youngest are 11 wks and it's 95-100 deg. All are used to the big traditional waterers. I hung it in the coop from a rope yesterday pm, took the other water away while they were out wandering. They are thisty when they get back. They pecked, but spooked when it started moving. I put only one traditional H2O source right underneath it for the night. This afternoon, same thing, let them out for a few hours, but I secured it so it didn't spin. All 15 went right to it and drank well. So much less worry for me. Good to go with cold H2O for 3 days. 

That's awesome. Maybe once I get back to work I need to rethink things. Nipple waterers are much cleaner.
My neighbors are big into 4-H. What you say is spot on. I have 3 Marans. A Blue Splash, a White and a Cuckoo. Lovely friendly birds. AI not happening here, not an issue in Ca thank goodness other than $5.00 per dz eggs.   I looked into breeding. I want to hobby breed for show and perfection. I found breed clubs to be very helpful. Aracanuas lay such pretty eggs! Lemmie know where you go with that!    

One day, I would love to have a good breeding program. Mainly to get good lines into the hands of kids who can't afford top dollar birds. I can't do all that where I live now. Not enough space or money.

4-H is a big deal here. My son is in the same club I was in and my dad was in and my grandpa was in. Ours is the oldest club and one of the largest in our county.

Eggs are getting expensive here too. My girls started laying just in time! I definitely think Ohio and other states did the right thing by keeping AI from spreading. Poultry is big business here. Just too much at stake.
When I was researching Araucanas  I came up with a few breeders



There is also an Araucana thread here on BYC...

I did wind up with a local pair of Araucanas...  never did get a single egg to hatch.... sigh.


Omigosh! I had never seen lavendar orpingtons! I NEED those! And they are working on lavendar araucanas! How dare you tempt me with such pretty things! Now I wont be able to settle for just any old birds lol

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