Bay Area BYCers!

If your kids are no longer using the kiddy pools seen in the background of this photo you can fill them with sand for a dust bathing pool for your girls. They will love it. I mix sand together with Stall Dry which you can purchase at your local feed store. Dry stall contains DE which will help control mite infestation. Don't confuse with Stall Dry (different product).
Great suggestion! They do still use the pool but that green one is a sandbox they don't use anymore. I was going to get rid of it but now it might have a new purpose.

What a beautiful coop you've built. The colors will contrast so nicely with your chickens' colors. Lovely!

if you like the colors on the outside take a look at what my girls did to the inside this weekend!

What a beautiful coop you've built. The colors will contrast so nicely with your chickens' colors. Lovely!
if you like the colors on the outside take a look at what my girls did to the inside this weekend! :D Paul
Beautiful! It looks like a mini art gallery. They paid attention to details of the chicks and the other animals. How sweet! Lual
Hi everyone, I'm new to all of this. I live in San Jose and have three Golden Comets that are 5 weeks old. During the day I put them all outside in the coop/run and they love it. About 7pm I bring them in for the evening and put them back in the brooder with the heat lamp. How long until they can sleep outside overnight? I feel over protective of them and like them in the house at night, but I know they love their coop/run as they are outgrowing their brooder. When can they go outside overnight? It gets down to 40 degrees inside of the coop, as I have a wireless thermometer in their monitoring it. When can they go outside overnight?
Hi everyone, I'm new to all of this. I live in San Jose and have three Golden Comets that are 5 weeks old. During the day I put them all outside in the coop/run and they love it. About 7pm I bring them in for the evening and put them back in the brooder with the heat lamp. How long until they can sleep outside overnight? I feel over protective of them and like them in the house at night, but I know they love their coop/run as they are outgrowing their brooder. When can they go outside overnight? It gets down to 40 degrees inside of the coop, as I have a wireless thermometer in their monitoring it. When can they go outside overnight?

If they're fully feathered, they should be fine outside now.
Hi everyone, I'm new to all of this. I live in San Jose and have three Golden Comets that are 5 weeks old. During the day I put them all outside in the coop/run and they love it. About 7pm I bring them in for the evening and put them back in the brooder with the heat lamp. How long until they can sleep outside overnight? I feel over protective of them and like them in the house at night, but I know they love their coop/run as they are outgrowing their brooder. When can they go outside overnight? It gets down to 40 degrees inside of the coop, as I have a wireless thermometer in their monitoring it. When can they go outside overnight?
When you say outside, what does that mean, exactly? You can always hang a warming light somewhere 3-4 ft above where they can roost in your outdoor coop so they have some warmth for the first week or two they spend outside to get used to it. That is what I do. I put it on a timer so it goes on at 8pm, off at 7am, raise it up a bit higher every 4 days for 2-3 weeks depending on ambient temps.
Hi everyone, I'm new to all of this. I live in San Jose and have three Golden Comets that are 5 weeks old. During the day I put them all outside in the coop/run and they love it. About 7pm I bring them in for the evening and put them back in the brooder with the heat lamp. How long until they can sleep outside overnight? I feel over protective of them and like them in the house at night, but I know they love their coop/run as they are outgrowing their brooder. When can they go outside overnight? It gets down to 40 degrees inside of the coop, as I have a wireless thermometer in their monitoring it. When can they go outside overnight?

Hi, here is a pic of my coop. The window that you see in the coop has a plexiglass window, but there is a doorway that stays open at all time. I have the wireless thermometer in the closed coop area and that is where it gets to 40 degrees at night, I have no clue how cold the enclosed run area gets. I want to put some heat in the coop area, but I feel that a heat lamp will make is too hot in the coop area. Thoughts or suggestions?

When I brought them in last night two of them that look all feathered laid down right under the heat lamp and acted as if they were cold and trying to warm up. As a new chicken mom I felt bad for them. :)

If they're fully feathered, they should be fine outside now.

once they have all their feathers they can be their own down blanket. They are good till under freezing. After that you want to watch they can be fine if they are used to it have a goodd coop and friends.

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