Bay Area BYCers!

I'm not sure if the new King feed comes in crumbles or not. Your chooks may have to learn to like pellets!

LOL! I have tried.... I think they might be too big for the Silkies? But the big girls don't like 'em either.... of course it could have been the feed. It was the Modesto Mills. I'll just have to try it and see what happens!! Based on the posts from Chiqita, you're going to be busy!!!
Hey all, I haven't posted in a very long time on here, still trying to stay up to date with the thread though.

The new King Freedom Natural Layer Feed comes in crumbles and pellets. I was just in Feed and Fuel in Half Moon Bay yesterday picking up chick supplies and the guy working there said they don't carry it yet....he said if there was enough interest(hint hint wink wink) they would order it but also told me I could special order it if I wanted, but that they only put in a King order every 5 weeks or so.

Also Feed and Fuel is having a 'Chick a Palooza' event March 23-24 if anyone in the area is interested. Supposed to be a lot of informative stuff as well as coupons, sales and specials. I was told a representative from King might be there.

Hope everyone is doing well!
I've tried Modesto Milling's organic feeds and after awhile the birds wouldn't touch it. Bar Ale's and King's organic lines are all I use now. I'm suspicious of anything labeled Natural and GMO-free. What about residual pesticides/herbicides? If it is labeled organic, it would be GMO-free anyway.
I've tried Modesto Milling's organic feeds and after awhile the birds wouldn't touch it. Bar Ale's and King's organic lines are all I use now. I'm suspicious of anything labeled Natural and GMO-free. What about residual pesticides/herbicides? If it is labeled organic, it would be GMO-free anyway.
My birds didn't like Modesto Milling's feed either. I wonder what it is that they don't like?
Hey all, I haven't posted in a very long time on here, still trying to stay up to date with the thread though.

The new King Freedom Natural Layer Feed comes in crumbles and pellets.  I was just in Feed and Fuel in Half Moon Bay yesterday picking up chick supplies and the guy working there said they don't carry it yet....he said if there was enough interest(hint hint wink wink) they would order it but also told me I could special order it if I wanted, but that they only put in a King order every 5 weeks or so.

Also Feed and Fuel is having a 'Chick a Palooza' event March 23-24 if anyone in the area is interested.  Supposed to be a lot of informative stuff as well as coupons, sales and specials.  I was told a representative from King might be there. 

Hope everyone is doing well!  :)

The kings feed people are very informative and worth talking to. I saw then at the Stockton and Fresno shows. The GMO free is new and it is trying to fill the niche of people who are concerned but can't afford organic. I do not remember about pesticides.

But my birds do better in their feeds ( we use pheasant and chick starter for higher proteins) and it ferments pretty well. I use crumbles since everyone prefers it and now using tidy cat feeders they don't waste it.
Thanks for all the information! I do have a question....what is the tidy cat feeder? I don't have a lot of waste with the galvanized one I have but sometimes the food doesn't fill the bottom tray like it should and I have to shake it....not a big deal, but the girls scold me when I shake it. I don't think they like all th noise.

Also, anyone have any of their girls chase squirrels? One of my silkies - Sophie - gets pretty agitated at a neighborhood squirrel that pops into my yard on her way accross the fence from time to time. Anyway, sometimes Sophie puts up quite the fuss and chases her out of the yard, but sometimes she leaves her alone....moody little bird!! I wouldn't know how to keep the squirrel out of the yard, but don't want anything to happen to the Sophie bird either....
The kings feed people are very informative and worth talking to. I saw then at the Stockton and Fresno shows. The GMO free is new and it is trying to fill the niche of people who are concerned but can't afford organic. I do not remember about pesticides.

But my birds do better in their feeds ( we use pheasant and chick starter for higher proteins) and it ferments pretty well. I use crumbles since everyone prefers it and now using tidy cat feeders they don't waste it.
So the chicks that I got from you have been eating King Feed? I forgot to ask. I usually like to slowly change the feed on new birds if they aren't used to the feed that I use. At what age do you start introducing the fermented feed? The 2 older EE's have taken to it right away. They are not happy to be in quarantine and are scared to death of me.
Also, anyone have any of their girls chase squirrels? One of my silkies - Sophie - gets pretty agitated at a neighborhood squirrel that pops into my yard on her way accross the fence from time to time. Anyway, sometimes Sophie puts up quite the fuss and chases her out of the yard, but sometimes she leaves her alone....moody little bird!! I wouldn't know how to keep the squirrel out of the yard, but don't want anything to happen to the Sophie bird either....
My white Langshan pullet loved chasing squirrels! She would chase them around the trees. Maybe she learned it from watching our dog chase them! She is out at the farm now so no more bird chasing squirrel shows!
So the chicks that I got from you have been eating King Feed?  I forgot to ask.  I usually like to slowly change the feed on new birds if they aren't used to the feed that I use.  At what age do you start introducing the fermented feed?  The 2 older EE's have taken to it right away.  They are not happy to be in quarantine and are scared to death of me.

They were on kings chick starter. About 1/2 fermented feed . Put it out in the morning and do free feeding feeders. Rooster booster in the water. ( the one with no iron). Outside girls have fodder too. Its easy to find here. If only I cold find a source of spent grains to supplement, they love love ,love soaked grain and fodder. I swear silkies would live on fodder if I had enough, they love greens.
They were on kings chick starter. About 1/2 fermented feed . Put it out in the morning and do free feeding feeders. Rooster booster in the water. ( the one with no iron). Outside girls have fodder too. Its easy to find here. If only I cold find a source of spent grains to supplement, they love love ,love soaked grain and fodder. I swear silkies would live on fodder if I had enough, they love greens.
Thank you for the info! The middle group of chicks are having outdoor playtime in a brooder on the patio! They are beside themselves with joy! It looks like 2 boys, 2 girls, and 1 ???. I love watching them play!

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