Bay Area BYCers!

Hi Everyone! I'm new to raising backyard chickens and to incubating chicken eggs, but have found them/it very addicting...but the shipped eggs just don't hatch as they should. I am in the Sacramento area. Does anyone close to here have Barnevelders or Blue Laced Red Wyandottes? I would Love Love Love to hatch some baby chicks from local eggs!
try Happy Chooks in Colfax she breeds Barnevelders.
Welcome to Byc
Dearest Carolyn, I don't know how to thank you for your more than gracious gift of unbelievably gorgeous birds. It is a dream come true for me! Painting them will be such a joy, as well as challenge to capture the light, and colour plays on their feathers. I wanted to have a photo of holding both boys, but, could not manage to have both on my lap; they are huge..and ohh sooo sweet...and they learned quickly that; I always have treats with me : )

Congratulations, they are truly gorgeous!!!!
Hi Everyone! I'm new to raising backyard chickens and to incubating chicken eggs, but have found them/it very addicting...but the shipped eggs just don't hatch as they should. I am in the Sacramento area. Does anyone close to here have Barnevelders or Blue Laced Red Wyandottes? I would Love Love Love to hatch some baby chicks from local eggs!
Try Mediazeal. I used to have Barnies from her. She's in Sac.
Hi Everyone! I'm new to raising backyard chickens and to incubating chicken eggs, but have found them/it very addicting...but the shipped eggs just don't hatch as they should. I am in the Sacramento area. Does anyone close to here have Barnevelders or Blue Laced Red Wyandottes? I would Love Love Love to hatch some baby chicks from local eggs!
I have Double Laced Blue Barnies and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes pullets available. They are currently 5 weeks old. I can hold on to them until they are 8 weeks and off the lights if you want to get started pullets instead of eggs. I also have DLBB eggs available. I hatched the BLRW from eggs I got from Jeff (papabrooder). So if you want to get eggs, he can probably help you out. He is in Redding.
Welcome! It is addicting. Not to pull you away from this thread, but you might also want to ask on the California - Northern thread. Someone was just talking about Barnevelders today and I know others have BLRW. Lots of folks up in gold country.
Thank you! I will check it out. I'm new to threads and such and for some reason this site doesn't email me responses so well. Sorry to be so late in my reply. I'm so excited to know others raising Barnevelders near me. What are BLRW? Blue...okay, I'm acronym challenged.
I have Double Laced Blue Barnies and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes pullets available. They are currently 5 weeks old. I can hold on to them until they are 8 weeks and off the lights if you want to get started pullets instead of eggs. I also have DLBB eggs available. I hatched the BLRW from eggs I got from Jeff (papabrooder). So if you want to get eggs, he can probably help you out. He is in Redding.
Thank you! I was hoping for hatching eggs rather than chicks because incubating is so rewarding to me...I'll check him out. Oh my goodness! I just googled and I'd not seen the blue laced ones before looking at Backyard Chickens. They are gorgeous yes?! Wow. Did they hatch straight run blue or are they mixed in color?
Thank you! I was hoping for hatching eggs rather than chicks because incubating is so rewarding to me...I'll check him out. Oh my goodness! I just googled and I'd not seen the blue laced ones before looking at Backyard Chickens. They are gorgeous yes?! Wow. Did they hatch straight run blue or are they mixed in color?

Not sure where you're based but there's a guy in Valeijo selling blue laced red wyandottes hatching eggs. let me know if you're anywhere near and I'll send you his details
I'm doing my very first hatch. I'm almost at the end of day 20 and no sign of anything happening. I turned off the egg turner a couple of days ago and upped the humidity - currently running at 60% humidity and 99.5 degrees. Does that sound OK? Should I have taken the eggs out of the turner or is it ok to just leave them in it? Also, is it too late to candle? I haven't done it as yet but I don't want to ruin the chicks chances by doing it now if it's dangerous for them.
I'll be really disappointed if I don't get a single chick, but worse, I have 20 kindergartners coming over tomorrow (at the end of day 21) and it'll be tragic if they don't see any action.

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