Bay Area BYCers!

Quote: Thanks! I love living in the woods but do sometimes feel like an unprepared city girl! My DH grew up here so he's been a great help but it was a serious adjustment when I had things like mice living in my car air system and bobcats attacking my chickens...
The scenery is stunning and I love the relaxed pace of life.
What kind of chickens do you have?
I set some eggs a few weeks ago as part of a kindergarten project and got zero hatches. It was really heartbreaking to have the kids come and ask me when they were going to see any chicks. On that occasion I drove and got the eggs and had high expectations. After that failure I tried again mainly because I got some free eggs with the incubator but they had to be shipped. Needless to say I wasn't expecting much and at day 21 and not so much as a pip I was ready to return the incubator. It's now Day 22 and 4 chicks have hatched and 2 more look like they're on their way. Woo hoo, my first ever chick hatch! I've left them in the incubator for now, is 24 hours a good time to wait before I get them out? Also, do I need to get them vaccinated for a small flock? I'll post pics soon as they're out of the incubator but they're looking so ****** cute already.
I set some eggs a few weeks ago as part of a kindergarten project and got zero hatches. It was really heartbreaking to have the kids come and ask me when they were going to see any chicks. On that occasion I drove and got the eggs and had high expectations. After that failure I tried again mainly because I got some free eggs with the incubator but they had to be shipped. Needless to say I wasn't expecting much and at day 21 and not so much as a pip I was ready to return the incubator. It's now Day 22 and 4 chicks have hatched and 2 more look like they're on their way. Woo hoo, my first ever chick hatch! I've left them in the incubator for now, is 24 hours a good time to wait before I get them out? Also, do I need to get them vaccinated for a small flock? I'll post pics soon as they're out of the incubator but they're looking so ****** cute already.
Chicks can go for 3 days without food and water, so don't open if you don't have to. If anything else is going to hatch they could get shrink wrapped. Vaccinations are up to you. They don't need them but many people get them. Congrats on the hatch. I hope the kids are going to be able to see them.
Chicks can go for 3 days without food and water, so don't open if you don't have to. If anything else is going to hatch they could get shrink wrapped. Vaccinations are up to you. They don't need them but many people get them. Congrats on the hatch. I hope the kids are going to be able to see them.

Thanks. Will sit tight. I think I have 3 more on the way so I'll resist the temptation of holding one of the little fuzz balls in the hope that I'll have 7! I think I may be looking on CL for a second coop....
Thanks. Will sit tight. I think I have 3 more on the way so I'll resist the temptation of holding one of the little fuzz balls in the hope that I'll have 7! I think I may be looking on CL for a second coop....
You can never have to many coops. LOL

Do you have the incubator at home or do you keep it at the school?
Hi Everyone!

It's been awhile! Glad to see some new folks joining in the fun! I have a HUGE least it is for me. One of my Buff Orpingtons has decided to get quite talkative. She is driving my neighbors crazy! They are okay with the daily egg song and a few squaks of excitement but I think she is channeling her inner jungle fowl and wants to be outside the coop all day! This presents a problem as she pecks my Silkies, which have been removed from the big coop for their protection, and are allowed in the yard all day due to the size of their coop. Egg bribery will only work on the neighbors for so long!! Anyway, in order to keep the peace I think I need to find her a new home. I can post on Craigslist or take her to Western Farm in Santa Rosa, but if I can find her a home that would be ideal. When she is out and about she is quite calm and not chatty. She is about 2 years old and is a good layer. She is just chatty! And I can't be in the yard every day to keep the peace...... Thanks!
Might post what area you are in so people know if they are close to you or not.
Wb! As and good luck with your chatty thing. I'm dealing with a pecked silkie right now. Its no fun!
You can never have to many coops. LOL

Do you have the incubator at home or do you keep it at the school?

I have the incubator at home for this batch since the first was a complete failure. I'm a little more confident in the temperature at home than in school overnight. The chicks are still coming. 5 as of this morning and more coming. I've been keeping an eye on the activity from my desk in the office:
Might post what area you are in so people know if they are close to you or not.
Wb! As and good luck with your chatty thing. I'm dealing with a pecked silkie right now. Its no fun!
Sorry - Thanks! I'm in Pleasanton. And no a pecked Silkie is no fun.... It was a complete surprise to us...I came home and went outside to check on the girls. One of the silkies was hiding under the ramp and wouldn't come out. I went in and pulled her one day they had pretty much scalped her! I put her in one of our XL dog kennels with my other Silkie. She healed, but I have kept the chickens separated since then unless they are all out in the yard. The Silkies try to keep their distance, but they still get chased. They know to run to our feet for protection. I was hoping that since they were all raised together they would be okay. I know several people who successfully mix Silkies with other hens, but it didn't work out for us!
I always tell people it can work but it won't always you just have to try it and see.

As long as they don't have vaulted sculls you can live and learn. If they do you get brain swelling and its ugh.

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