Bay Area BYCers!

I am new here with the chicken raising going on my first year with a a few hens and a roo, looking to get more diff breeds though and latest information and resources available to do best for the interest.

Hi KristyAnn -

What breed of chickens do you have already? Where are you located?
BYC is the Best place for info. Welcome!
That's great!
I have 23 grown layers consisting of about 7 RIR mixes, 4 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Ameraucanas (EE), 2 Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 Cuckoo Marans, 2 polish mixes, 1 Big black hen (Australorp/Jersey Giant mix), 1 Andalusian/RIR, and 1 Olive egger (Welsummer/EE cross).
I have a bunch of chickens from eggs that I hatched myself.
Do not-- I repeat do NOT get into hatching unless you are prepared for the true addiction that is hatching!
Hatching is super fun! But seriously addicting.

I can't have a rooster but amazingly enough that hasn't curbed my hatching addiction.
You can have fertile eggs shipped to you of nearly any breed you may be looking for (if your local breeder/feed store doesn't have what you want). Check out the breeders here on BYC.
I just hatched out 17 babies 7 weeks ago-- 7 Welsummers, 6 Black Copper Marans, and 2 RIR and 1 White chick with black spots (mystery baby), and 1 black/RIR mix.
So if you've been keeping track... you'll see that I'm up to 40 chickens now. Yikes!!

It's too fun to stop now-- and I love selling my eggs to friends and neighbors.
At 4 weeks I have no idea what sex they are. At that age I have a jubilee orps mix and 2 showgirls.

I have some breese jubilee mixes a Marans rooster ( his sex is clear lol) and some smooth sizzles with no combs might be girls those are 1.5 months or so.

The 4 months are a breese ( french breed lay very well and have blue legs very elegant) and a cream legbar/ easter Egger blue egg layer. Oh! And an old English game bantam.

And i think that's all I have growing out!
Wanted: Foster Family(Flock) for Silky Roo

Handsome silky roo looking for a foster family(flock).

Our family, along with our flock, are planning to move to a rooster friendly location within the next 6 months. Until then, we are hoping to find a foster family for our young silky roo. He is a gentle soul and really nice to have around.

Please PM me if you are able to take in Junior on a temporary basis. Anywhere in the SF Bay Area would work for us.

Thank you for your consideration.

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