Bay Area BYCers!

Thank you chiqita! I am in San Jose as well and would love to support my local economy! It's not quite what I am looking for at this time, but I bet they are beauties!
I have 5 Bresse chicks and 1 RIR that just hatched this past Friday/Saturday. My Bresse came from the same breeder as chiqita's. I am thinking about heading down to Santa Cruz tomorrow or Thursday and would be driving through San Jose if you are interested in them. They are straight run and not able to be sexed at this age.
I have an 8 mos. old Jubilee Orpington cockerel which I a am looking for a home. His parents are from GFF, and he is beautiful. He has a brother who is very handsome as well. He is a fox attack survivor which left him with a slight limp. He is very friendly, sweet bird who would be much happier in a home where he can be the only rooster.

Also, I have 2 Cream Legbar cockerels who are 9 wks. old. They have pale colors, with nicely shaped crests.

If interested, and would like more info. please PM.

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So I am posting this here for some local input. I have 2 hens that are just shy of a year old. They seem healthy and happy, but they have seriously had diarrhea nearly the entire time we have had them. It seems to be worse lately. Could this be worms? Since it's been so long, wouldn't they be having other symptoms by now?
So I am posting this here for some local input. I have 2 hens that are just shy of a year old. They seem healthy and happy, but they have seriously had diarrhea nearly the entire time we have had them. It seems to be worse lately. Could this be worms? Since it's been so long, wouldn't they be having other symptoms by now?
Actually 1-2 of my 5 hens have it too. I have been wondering if it is the feed. I am giving them that fancy Omega-3 Layena and I wonder if that could be causing it.
So I am posting this here for some local input. I have 2 hens that are just shy of a year old. They seem healthy and happy, but they have seriously had diarrhea nearly the entire time we have had them. It seems to be worse lately. Could this be worms? Since it's been so long, wouldn't they be having other symptoms by now?

I had this happen last year, about this time with chickens about the same age. Not coccidia because they were very active and had good ravenous appetites. Possibly worms, but when I wormed them there was no sign (no dead worms in the stool) and they did not show improvement. One started sneezing, so I treated the whole flock with Denagard (maybe mycoplasma?), but there was no improvement for a couple of weeks after that.

Still a mystery to me what the problem was. I had never medicated them at all and was hesitant about the idea, but the diarrhea was so terrible and they had had it for several weeks, so I was getting desperate. I was very concerned that, in their weakened state, they would come down with a secondary infection. Not sure if any of the meds actually helped or if it was just a matter of time. Maybe some odd virus they picked up?

All 11 pullets in the flock eventually came down with this to varying degrees, and all lost quite a bit of weight. Good news is they recovered and are now happy hens laying lots of eggs.

Wish I could be more help. Whatever you decide to try, I would suggest putting some vitamins in their water (sav-a-chick) and/or some probiotics.

Good luck and keep us updated.
Thanks, Wishing, when you say probiotics do you mean something like yoghurt? Mine don't really seem very rundown except maybe by the season and the weather (they are all molting) but their egg production has really dropped off. No eggs yesterday and only 2 today, and all the eggs are pretty poopy.
Mine didn't seem run down either, but feel their keel (breastbone) to see if they're losing weight. Keel should be covered by breast muscles, so if the bone is sharp or prominent, that's not so good. Mine had very liquid stools for weeks (water with a little solid in it), so I can't imagine they were getting optimum nutrition. They sure did eat more than normal to try to compensate.

Lots of people feed yogurt (but not in the water
). My feed store carries little packets of probiotics you can add to the water. Don't know if dairy is good for them with diarrhea.

Molting will slow and often halt egg production. I give a little extra protein to help them through the molt.
I had this happen last year, about this time with chickens about the same age.  Not coccidia because they were very active and had good ravenous appetites.  Possibly worms, but when I wormed them there was no sign (no dead worms in the stool) and they did not show improvement.  One started sneezing, so I treated the whole flock with Denagard (maybe mycoplasma?), but there was no improvement for a couple of weeks after that. 

Still a mystery to me what the problem was.  I had never medicated them at all and was hesitant about the idea, but the diarrhea was so terrible and they had had it for several weeks, so I was getting desperate.  I was very concerned that, in their weakened state, they would come down with a secondary infection. Not sure if any of the meds actually helped or if it was just a matter of time.  Maybe some odd virus they picked up? 

All 11 pullets in the flock eventually came down with this to varying degrees, and all lost quite a bit of weight.  Good news is they recovered and are now happy hens laying lots of eggs. 

Wish I could be more help.  Whatever you decide to try, I would suggest putting some vitamins in their water (sav-a-chick) and/or some probiotics. 

Good luck and keep us updated.
thank you all for the replies, they are a decent weight, and egg production is good. The diarrhea has been pretty consistent since days about 10 months straight. During summer I thought maybe heat, but obviously that's not the case now. I have always offered probiotics but only inside the coop, as the waterer in the run is metal, an I can't use it in there, correct?
Well, if they've had the problem for that long, then it might be their "normal". I know you can't put acidic stuff in the metal waterers, but not sure about other stuff.

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