Bay Area BYCers!

And here are my Cream Lebar Pullets and Roo. The pullets are 7 weeks and the Roo is 6 weeks. Like the Biebs the are autosexing so you can see a difference on day 1. Now they look like different breeds except for their little crests. The girls are from mypetchicken and little roo is from Greenfire farms.

Does anyone here have Bielefelders? I'm in love with them!

~~I have two Bielefelders. They are 8 weeks old and such great birds. Very friendly to both people and the other chicks. I added a chick two weeks younger last week and one of the Bielefelders took it under it's wing just like a mother hen would. I'm interested to see how big they get, they sure eat a lot. :)

Did you find them locally? I'm thinking about shipped eggs in a month or two if I don't find a local source.
Here are a few pictures of my Bielfelders. They are 8 weeks old and just getting out of that akward stage.

Deborah, your pictures did come through I was just looking in the wrong place....LOL. Are they both pullets? Love the pattern. Thanks for posting.

Hi all, new here! I live in Santa Clara, right now I have 2 EE hens and I am expecting 3 chicks in a couple of weeks, most likely they will be Golden Laced Wyandottes but I am hoping they might have some extra Barred Rocks. I am getting them from a local 4H club.
WELCOME H.......Lots to learn& lots of fun is what you will get on these pages. What color eggs do your EEs lay??
I'm running one three year old Black Star and five Dominques who just went from pullets to hens as they hit one year of age. B^) I am really impressed by the Dominiques as easy keepers - they are constantly busy with big biddy business - foraging, dustbathing, etc. They don't lay as well as Black Stars or Barred Rocks, and the eggs tend to medium size, but they eat less and seem tougher and hardier than the Barred Rocks.

They make up for any egg shortcomings by being maternal which means no incubator or brooder required. They are also hilarious, and have acquired the nickname of the Unite Clown of the Cirque des Poulets, the name of our chicken yard out in back. Part of what makes them funny is that they seem to have a "hive mind" and all think together. Watching them surround a dangling treat and manipulate it between them is hilarious. They also don't seem to squabble as much when treats are tossed out for them. They settle into eating and squabbling only comes at the end, if at all.

If someone goes broody when it isn't desirable, about three days in a cage with no nesting material under 18 hour "natural light" fluorescents seems to do the trick.
I am driving from Windsor to Bakersfield/Tehachapi, and right back, this Sunday 4/27. (getting a new doeling!
) Happy to take riders of nearly any species, as long as I can get there on time. (leave home at 6AM) Current route is 101-680-5-46-99-58, flexible as needed.
PM is best, in case I miss replies here.
(crossposted...sorry if you got this 3 times)
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