Bay Area BYCers!

I'm reluctant to interfere with nature.

I make sure there are no eggs to sit on. Sometimes my broody will find the eggs the others have laid and sit on them. I collect them every day. I don't care if she gets angry.

In addition, I push her out of the coop and she runs around, making noise and fluffing her feathers. I do this once a day. It helps here get over it. I would never do anything harsh. Feels cruel
I ordered chicks this spring from show quality lines and am currently overrun with cockerels. I made my first pass culling and have these for sale

2 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Bantams
4 Silver Phoenix Large Fowl
1 Silver Lakenvelder LF
1 Silver Leghorn LF (I am pretty sure that is what he is, he was one of the "packing peanuts" in one box I received)
All hatched in March

These all originated from show lines, but I am culling them for one reason or another so I would not consider them show quality. They may make nice breeders for someone who has a pullet that balances their faults.

Located in Gilroy

More will be available as the various hatches mature over the course of the summer. Pullets may also be available in late summer.
Hi folks.....former Bay Area denizen here transplanted to NC.

Could you post a picture of the Lakenvelder if you still have him? Can I ask where you got him and a price?
Downsizing in Walnut Creek...I am afraid my last 3 girls need a new home or homes. They are 18 months old and have been good layers (see below) with sweet personalities. Daisey is a Barred Rock, Polly is an Americana laying lovely jade green eggs, and Geneva is big fluffy Buff Orpington. Geneva is especially fluffy now because she is broody and I keep picking her up to tell her how silly she is and to move her out into the run. She stomps around, clucking angrily and fluffed up like a beach-ball!

I am retiring in a few weeks and we are going to do some serious travelling. I would love to keep them as they are pretty good conversationalists, better than some with whom I work, but the logistics are just too complicated. Of course anyone who takes them can also have the feed, scratch, etc. etc.

If someone can be found to bring them this way or to the show
in December to the Knoxville show, I would consider them but
at this point I am not finding anyone here to travel the birds
Downsizing in Walnut Creek...I am afraid my last 3 girls need a new home or homes. They are 18 months old and have been good layers (see below) with sweet personalities. Daisey is a Barred Rock, Polly is an Americana laying lovely jade green eggs, and Geneva is big fluffy Buff Orpington. Geneva is especially fluffy now because she is broody and I keep picking her up to tell her how silly she is and to move her out into the run. She stomps around, clucking angrily and fluffed up like a beach-ball!

I am retiring in a few weeks and we are going to do some serious travelling. I would love to keep them as they are pretty good conversationalists, better than some with whom I work, but the logistics are just too complicated. Of course anyone who takes them can also have the feed, scratch, etc. etc.

Hi Dave!

I have some extra room for one more chicken, I could take Polly your Americana if she is still available. I just love the breed!

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