Bay Area BYCers!

Hi Im in SF:) 
I Breed Coturnix Quail:)

Hi! I'm in Oakland. Yay, bay area. :) My husband works for a company in S. F.

I am thinking very seriously about trying out keeping quail. Coturnix are the breed in, most interested in. When I'm ready snd have a space set up, can I message you?? I have been long for a local breeder. :D
It looks like all the girls are taken to nice homes. Thanks everyone for your help!


Hi Dave,
I'm glad you found homes for all. I'm sad I was a little late in seeing your post, lol... I would have been happy to take some of your girls in.
Take care :)
(Edited to correct crazy silly speech-to-text errors.... typing on my phone is impossible...)
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Hi! I'm in Oakland. Yay, bay area.
My husband works for a company in S. F.

I am thinking very seriously about trying out keeping quail. Coturnix are the breed in, most interested in. When I'm ready snd have a space set up, can I message you?? I have been long for a local breeder.

It would be my pleasure:) coturnix are great, I have two varieties at the moment, and im starting some eggs next week too:) If you have any ?'s or just wanna chat let me know:)
they are both Coturnix quail. I have the standard browns and spotted Italian Golden. The Italian golden have been bred for mainly egg production. so they are a bit smaller but lay very well. their body structure has a lot more "chickeny" traits lol if that makes sense lol.

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