Bay Area BYCers!

Thank you Deann! During the daylight hours, they are a rich, luxurious green. She started to lay eggs, and they are fertile. If you would like to have some Muscovies, I would be happy to give you some eggs. You have always been so generous with me.... Lual
You're so sweet. I am trying to cut back on my animals, but I may be swayed. I do love Muscovies. Did I ever tell you about our ducks Paco and Millie? Here is a photo of them. Loved those girls.
Good! Wonderful!! I will try my persuasion abilities
. Yes, you did mentioned them before, and sent some photos about 2-2 1/2 yrs. ago. If I am not mistaken, they were the ones who came to you flying when ever you called? Ohh, I know you loved them very much because they were one of the birds you talked about with a big smile... My Muscovies comes running when I call. I really enjoy the plop-plop sound their huge feet makes, so I quietly go to the end of the concrete walkway to call so to be able to hear their foot steps. She is laying almost daily now
Hello Bay Area People,

I'm Paul, I'm in Vallejo, and I'm a newbie. Well not a total newbie, I had chickens as a kid but this will be my first time as an adult. I'm really looking forward to sharing the chicken experience with my two daughters ( 6 & 9). We actually haven't even received our pullets yet, we pick them up from the 4-H kids on the 28th, when they will be 5-6 weeks old and coop ready. We've got two red stars, two barred rocks and two ameraucanas reserved and we're very excited.

In the mean time I'm working franticly to get a coop ready.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself, I'm sure we'll have lots of questions.

Hello Bay Area People,

I'm Paul, I'm in Vallejo, and I'm a newbie.  Well not a total newbie, I had chickens as a kid but this will be my first time as an adult.  I'm really looking forward to sharing the chicken experience with my two daughters ( 6 & 9).  We actually haven't even received our pullets yet, we pick them up from the 4-H kids on the 28th, when they will be 5-6 weeks old and coop ready.  We've got two red stars, two barred rocks and two ameraucanas reserved and we're very excited.  

In the mean time I'm working franticly to get a coop ready.  

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself, I'm sure we'll have lots of questions.


Hello Paul,

Welcome! There are many lovely chicken fanciers and breeders in this thread, and most live within easy driving distance to Vallejo. How exciting thet you are building a coop for your chickens which you will have soon. When your chickens arrive, we would love to see some photos.

You picked a very nice group of breeds who will give you beautifully colored eggs. My daughter grew up with chickens, and different species of animals which was a wonderful, happy learning experience for her. How lucky that your daughters will have chickens of their own.

Hello Bay Area People,

I'm Paul, I'm in Vallejo, and I'm a newbie. Well not a total newbie, I had chickens as a kid but this will be my first time as an adult. I'm really looking forward to sharing the chicken experience with my two daughters ( 6 & 9). We actually haven't even received our pullets yet, we pick them up from the 4-H kids on the 28th, when they will be 5-6 weeks old and coop ready. We've got two red stars, two barred rocks and two ameraucanas reserved and we're very excited.

In the mean time I'm working franticly to get a coop ready.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself, I'm sure we'll have lots of questions.

Welcome from Sonoma County!
As Lual said, there are lots of great people and resources locally. Glad you could join us!
So here is my first question. When I get the pullets should I keep them confined to the coop for a few days so they can get used to it or should I allow them out into the run as well? How long should I keep them to the coop if that's what I should do?

They will only be 5-6 weeks old at that point. The coop is about 20 sqft not including nesting boxes and the run will be ( its not completed yet ) around 100 sqrt.

Here is what the coop looks like so far, again no run yet, that's next. I'm worried about them being able to navigate that ramp.

So here is my first question. When I get the pullets should I keep them confined to the coop for a few days so they can get used to it or should I allow them out into the run as well? How long should I keep them to the coop if that's what I should do? They will only be 5-6 weeks old at that point. The coop is about 20 sqft not including nesting boxes and the run will be ( its not completed yet ) around 100 sqrt. Here is what the coop looks like so far, again no run yet, that's next. I'm worried about them being able to navigate that ramp. Paul
What a beautiful coop you've built. The colors will contrast so nicely with your chickens' colors. Lovely! When I have new additions, always confine them where they will be sleeping in for couple of days so they learn where their home is. Couple of my small coops have a ramp just like yours, where they figured out how to use it without any problems. Chickens are much more intelligent than we give them credit for. I give my chicks heat source until they are 8-9 wks. old, but, this is a personal choice; every person does it their own way, and take into consideration how feathered out the chicks are. Also, I take time of the year into consideration. Where I live, night time can be quite cold until late spring. I hope some breeders chime in and share their opinions.There are number of experienced poultry people in this thread. Lual
my one-year-old birchen marans is going to need to find a new home -- thought i would check in with folks here first, in case of interest? he's very easy-going and sweet, i just have decided to keep my other rooster for breeding...

please PM me if interested!
So here is my first question. When I get the pullets should I keep them confined to the coop for a few days so they can get used to it or should I allow them out into the run as well? How long should I keep them to the coop if that's what I should do?

They will only be 5-6 weeks old at that point. The coop is about 20 sqft not including nesting boxes and the run will be ( its not completed yet ) around 100 sqrt.

Here is what the coop looks like so far, again no run yet, that's next. I'm worried about them being able to navigate that ramp.

Confine them for a week, so they know that is home (unless it gets too hot in the day) . I would not move them out unless they are fully featherd out. At 5-6 it will depend on breed and line. My marans stop sleeping under mum before that, my silkies do not, and the seremas are with her for warmth till about 10 weeks or longer, unless she goes nuts and kicks em out!
So here is my first question. When I get the pullets should I keep them confined to the coop for a few days so they can get used to it or should I allow them out into the run as well? How long should I keep them to the coop if that's what I should do?

They will only be 5-6 weeks old at that point. The coop is about 20 sqft not including nesting boxes and the run will be ( its not completed yet ) around 100 sqrt.

Here is what the coop looks like so far, again no run yet, that's next. I'm worried about them being able to navigate that ramp.

If your kids are no longer using the kiddy pools seen in the background of this photo you can fill them with sand for a dust bathing pool for your girls. They will love it. I mix sand together with Stall Dry which you can purchase at your local feed store. Dry stall contains DE which will help control mite infestation. Don't confuse with Dry Stall (different product).

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