Bay Area BYCers!

showing off:

I just went to the quail hutch, and found the 2 tiny speckled eggs. The "big" egg is from my pyncheon hen, (its big for her size)
I buy my scratch and laying crumbles from a Pet Club next to Costco in Mountain View, CA.

They seem to have the best prices around such as $9.99 for 50 pounds of laying crumble. It's not Layena, but a company called "Home Grown." They have all the proteins, etc that other brands have.

Same for scratch.

I supplement their food with treats of fresh fruits and vegetables, sunflower seeds and whatever I have around that I think they will like. So far, so good. I have one hen that is nine years old!.

So cute. I love my girls.
Wow---we must be just about neighbors!

Midtown, Emerson and El Carmelo. Front of the house is on El Carmelo. Big house on the corner with a large Pampas Grass fence around it. We have a big double lot, two driveways. One in front and a large gravel drive on the back-side.

I have a "mini" orchard with 20 fruit trees. The chickens live in a fenced in part of the orchard. Five fruit trees inside, two coops, one large, one small and the chickens "free range" within the yard.

We covered the yard two years ago when suddenly--after eight years--I had hawk attacks. Never happened before that as we only saw Sharp Shins and they never bothered my girls. Then suddenly Cooper's Hawks showed up and it was bad. We covered a 900 sq yd run, lopped off the tops of five big fruit trees and it looks awful. However, the chickens are safe and that's all that matters to me.

No one problem since then but I keep checking it every day to be sure it is still in place.

Well, that's my story. How can we connect?

I have 16 coturnix quail (will have 3 more if the guy on CL gets back to me) The eggs are for eating, maybe I will make very tiny boiled eggs or french toast.
We just moved from Palo Alto (townhouses near Charleston and San Antonio) to Sunnyvale. I'm over at the Costco in Mountain View a lot. I'd love to meet you both.

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