Bay Area BYCers!

Cheryl -
if you still need one, I've got one. The chicks don't need the brooder anymore so it's available if you need it.

Can we meet halfway though? Not sure I'm up to another trek up to Lafayette - especially with SunnyDawn coming over this weekend sometime, plus I've got work.
I seem to find more crates every time I browse Craig's List... when I'm not looking for them. When I am looking for them there are fewer

I bought a roll of charcoal paper from King Feed at last year's show; I put it in the bottom of each crate for footing & odor control. It made the trip back from LA with 3 roos much more tolerable. I actually made skirts for the crates with it as well. I like Carrie's shade cloth idea too!
Mom and babies are so cute.

Just passing this along, if you are near Dublin CA, Concord Feed (in dublin) is going to have their 20% off sale soon, I think its the 22nd.
Thanks for the heads up! I need to buy a couple things for the breeding pens I'm beginning to put together.

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