Bay Area BYCers!

It's forecasted to stop tomorrow! I'm so excited!
Just wanted to say it was nice to finally meet some of you.

I wish I had gotten to stay, but the chicks were the hit of the party. I ended up taking 1-5 of the kids at a time to look through the window of my car to see the chicks. I lied and said they were too young to hold. oops But they did have fun looking. What gave me up was I forgot the sock and rice I was taking with me and I kept running out to heat the car. Finally got a sock and rice there and that held heat till I got home.

There's a lot of peeping going on here. I have 2 recent hatches and these little guys and right after I came home one of the eggs in the bator pipped.

I may be hard of hearing, but I can hear all of this noise. LOL


Thanks again for getting this done and for caring for the chicks till today.
Kim, not a problem! I want to thank all of you who ordered with me and made it all possible.

Dawn, oh my gosh I almost lost Dolly yesterday. I was taking her and her brother out of the box yesterday when I got home, well I don't know how it happened but she got free of me. I put the little boy in the crate and went after her, she then ran around the yard and made it to the back of the run... at that point she cleared the fence we have by the creek and jumped into the water. Mind you this is what our creek looks like right now, swollen because of the rain.


So Dolly resurfaces after diving in the water and I'm panicked, the current is quickly washing her away. I kicked off my shoes and dropped my phone on the ground and jumped in after her. The water was like ICE!!! It was so cold and rushing, by this time Dolly was a good 50' - 60' away of me so I had to hurry. Fully clothed in only my socks I ran through the muddy water after my little Dolly, she made it around the first curve and I almost started to cry thinking I was going to lose her. Around where the creek curves another 100' or so there is a drop off into deeper water and she was quickly headed that way. So I ran and ran and trudged through the water that was about 3 1/2' deep, yelling after her, "Dolly! Dolly! Grab something! Dolly!!!". If anyone heard me they probably thought I was chasing after a child.

About 40' away from the drop off there were some bushes hanging down from the creek bed, I yelled out, "Dolly grab those bushes!"... AND SHE DID! I finally felt like I might not lose her, I ran and cleared the distance between us, luckily the rocky ground had given away to sandy soil so my poor beaten up feet welcomed the softer ground. I managed to scoop Dolly up from the bushes and held her close to me, letting out an amazing sigh of relief and I was do happy that I did not lose her!!!

I leaned against the wall there for a minute to catch my breath, took my sweater off and then wrapped a soaking wet shivering Dolly up in it. Then, we fought the current, the slippery rocks and bone chilling water back home. By the time I reached where the creek meets our property I was exhausted. Dolly was peeping loudly and still utterly soaked. I climbed up the wall to my yard and we both made it inside for the most part unharmed.

Dolly went into the crate with her brother and they both spent the night next to the comfort of the heater. She was wet but not injured from what I could tell. I smelled like funky creek water, with a few scrapes on my feet but I'm fine too. This morning I took Dolly out and looked her over, she still seemed okay, her and her brother are now both enjoying the warmth of the sunshine outside right now.

Debi, on a happier note I woke up to one little BW chick and a whole bunch of Marans chicks in the incubator this morning! Dawn is going to be waiting until the summertime for her Blue Wheatens, none of my babies would hatch in time to go home with her yesterday, so the little one now in the brooder is yours if you want her. PM me and we will talk more.

Now I'm gonna go eat some breakfast!
That's kind of what I was thinking as I was in the water running after Dolly... "Am I really chasing after this chicken? Yes, I am."

I'm so happy that she made it, I would have been so upset if I hadn't been able to reach her.
Oh my god, Jeremy, I'm so glad you are both safe. And thanks for prefacing the story with the above sentence, otherwise it would've been too suspenseful to read. I read it aloud to Saul and we were both half-laughing and half-horrfied. Give Dolly some treats, and you take it easy today. Or I guess you could build a taller fence
That is something we definitely plan on doing, as well as covering the runs with some sort of netting. This is the second time we've had a bird jump into the creek, the first was a Delaware who decided it was a good place to lay her egg... luckily it was pretty dry then...

As upset as I was when it was happening, I laugh now, too.

I mean... I jumped in a rushing creek to run after a chicken without a second thought or single moments hesitation.
I woke up to one lonely BCM in the hatcher. Not a pip to be seen from the others. Figures this was one of my eggs and not the shipped Davis eggs I paid for.

Hopefully something will happen and more will hatch.

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