Bay Area BYCers!

Im hoping the city gets their act together and stops treating its citizens like criminals for keeping a few animals on their own property!!!! Good luck to you!
So as you all now know, DH and I are moving this week, we are pretty excited. We are going from a Duplex with no outdoor space, to a House on 5 acres with tons of Privacy, and we can keep all the chickens we want!!! The house will be smaller than the Duplex we are in now, but more managable, and NO STAIRS! YAY! The 5 acres is wooded with beautiful big oak trees, but also has tons of open space. The rent is a little higher but it should balance out as our utilitie Bills should go down, but no biggie if they don't. With Luke on the way, we knew we needed this move, we want him to be a country boy, and eventually show chickens for 4H. DH showed Pigs and Cows as a kid, so he will have a good teacher
For those of you who Came to the June 2010 Chickenstock, this house is right next to the ranch, in fact, it butts up to the 80 acres of open pasture, so if needed I can always invade the inlaws property
. The house is bran-spankin new, the landscaping has not been done yet, but FIL knows how excited we are to move in, so he said to go ahead, and the landscaping would be done while we are living there, which also means we get some say so in it. So here are some pictures I took last night.




.... beautiful home
thank you for sharing the photos and for the messages to Cheryl and her flock

... let's all think positive that, perhaps, it's been a big misinterpretation and not someone who is vindictive on a personal level

Get that great presentation rolling for "your girls" !
So happy for you Kelsey.

We started and I've done it a little since Bill died, looking for property after we were there. I never find more that lots that I can afford, but we had both said we wouldn't mind living there. We had been spending a year trying to decide just where we wanted to be, since it would have been were we wanted to be the rest of our lives. I still need that place, but on a very different budget. Hopefully I'll find something somewhere, probably not there, but we loved visiting you guys.

Don't ever remember if I told you, but Bill was telling everyone about Chicken Stock and how nice the ranch was, etc etc and then said it was the nicest place he ever took a nap. LOL That man could fall asleep at the drop of a hat.

I just can't imagine living there and not having space. I'm so happy you and your Bill have space.


I need you to find a way for me to make some multi million dollar deal! I'd buy space enough to help anyone in the state save their birds.

I'm a nervous wreck waiting to find out today's news on this. I'm so hoping that it's going to work out and this is just a mistake.

I was totally serious about the News stop though. Sitting here watching the Today Show. I say we get Matt to do a story!

BTW Kelsey I love that porch!
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I wish the house that just got forclosed on, that is right at the corner as you turn onto the road where the ranch is, was in better shape. I think it only has an acre though. But the people there were pretty nasty, the house has broken windows, and I bet the inside is pretty bad. But I also bet the bank would take a loss on it, just to get it sold. I can't remember if they were asking $130,000 or $170,000? But again, It would take a lot of work. OOps, nevermind, just looked it up and it sold for $95,000 a couple weeks ago, but as I suspected, it was in vary bad shape.

, I loved that Bill was so comfortable that he took a nap! I have a brother in law like that, lol. Bill and I would have loved to have you and Bill living close by
. Keep looking, maybe you can be my neighbor some day
I agree Kim, Isn't there a Call 3 or something like that? If it got out to the media I bet it would be a whole other story. The ordinances were not meant to punish. Cheryl's operation is optimal & I can't see where it could possibly be a problem for anyone.
I wish the house that just got forclosed on, that is right at the corner as you turn onto the road where the ranch is, was in better shape. I think it only has an acre though. But the people there were pretty nasty, the house has broken windows, and I bet the inside is pretty bad. But I also bet the bank would take a loss on it, just to get it sold. I can't remember if they were asking $130,000 or $170,000? But again, It would take a lot of work. OOps, nevermind, just looked it up and it sold for $95,000 a couple weeks ago, but as I suspected, it was in vary bad shape.

, I loved that Bill was so comfortable that he took a nap! I have a brother in law like that, lol. Bill and I would have loved to have you and Bill living close by
. Keep looking, maybe you can be my neighbor some day

Gees Kim that would have been great for you. I bet you have plenty of friends to help "fix up" & you would have good "chicken lovin" neighbors.....LOL
Gorgeous House Kelsey, love the wooded view.

Cheryl, I hope things can get worked out for you, I'm sorry you are going through so much. I hope you can fight and keep them. Some of these cities in CA are getting too snooty for their own good, well kept birds like yours don't hurt anyone.
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