Bay Area BYCers!

Jumping in here- Do hope you can beat this
I wish the house that just got forclosed on, that is right at the corner as you turn onto the road where the ranch is, was in better shape. I think it only has an acre though. But the people there were pretty nasty, the house has broken windows, and I bet the inside is pretty bad. But I also bet the bank would take a loss on it, just to get it sold. I can't remember if they were asking $130,000 or $170,000? But again, It would take a lot of work. OOps, nevermind, just looked it up and it sold for $95,000 a couple weeks ago, but as I suspected, it was in vary bad shape.

, I loved that Bill was so comfortable that he took a nap! I have a brother in law like that, lol. Bill and I would have loved to have you and Bill living close by
. Keep looking, maybe you can be my neighbor some day

Gees Kim that would have been great for you. I bet you have plenty of friends to help "fix up" & you would have good "chicken lovin" neighbors.....LOL

Actually no. I don't really have friends, just a few people I know. Most of mine never grew up and the one's I've had the past 13 years were Bill's, so they're all gone now.

I 'll find something even if I buy an RV and park it there for me. LOL Still not sure where I want to live though. I miss the Bay, but I'll never be able to go back now, so gotta find my new ME place.

Bay Area has 7 On Your Side. They also have something else I just don't remember what it's called, but it's NBC news on channel 4. LOL I only know one channel here. 3! LOL

I do know that channels 4 and 7 though have helped a lot of people with zoning issues.
Gees Kim that would have been great for you. I bet you have plenty of friends to help "fix up" & you would have good "chicken lovin" neighbors.....LOL

Actually no. I don't really have friends, just a few people I know. Most of mine never grew up and the one's I've had the past 13 years were Bill's, so they're all gone now.

I 'll find something even if I buy an RV and park it there for me. LOL Still not sure where I want to live though. I miss the Bay, but I'll never be able to go back now, so gotta find my new ME place.

Bay Area has 7 On Your Side. They also have something else I just don't remember what it's called, but it's NBC news on channel 4. LOL I only know one channel here. 3! LOL

I do know that channels 4 and 7 though have helped a lot of people with zoning issues.

You have friends, Us Bay Area BYCers! I'd help you fix up a place, best I could. I'm great at filling nail holes with putty, LOL!
Hey that's my job! I seem to get that one right.

But you know what I mean. I just don't have friends. I do have BYC though, so all I need.
Man almost time to pick my son up from school. I really had a hard time doing that yesterday and this morning dropping him off I was paranoid.

And my whole body aches! So glad it was just us and one other car.
OK gonna change the subject.

My hatch that's going on seems to have stopped. I have another mix egg and the rest are BCMs.

I have two BCMs and a cross that looks exactly like them, so that one is wearing nail polish on it's head and feet.
Love BCM's some of the sweetest chicks. Can't imagine painting their nails though that must have been a challenge.
We are waiting on some eggs due the 24th, half are seramas other half are mostly sussex.
Still nothing else in the bator. Darn! I need fresh blood here.

I actually ran a strip done the leg and put a dot on it's head. LOL I didn't have zip ties out lastnight and my garage isn't attached, so with the alley behind and some of the people who hang out back there I just don't go out if I don't have a clear shot for the door. LOL I'll do the zip ties this evening.

These crosses are so much like the BCMs when they hatch out black that I can't tell them apart. I get wheatens too. Most of my Gams hens are Wheaten. Figures that the black also come out with feathered shanks. I just don't want to sell the BCM chicks later and keep the ones for layers or lunch! I can't wait till I have at least a dozen of them for eggs though. My husband was waiting for birds that we could process and after he died the neighbor's BIL had offered, but I have nothing but breeding stock at the time. This year I want to at least get about 5 to process and see if the neighbor can still arrange things for me. I'm also supposed to go to a class this month, but I don't know if it's something I can do. We'll see. Now I need a new freezer, since that's another thing that pooped out last July.

BTW I donated 20 of these mixed chicks to a place called Hungry Families or something like that. They came and picked them up and were really happy. They took chicks, so that they could supply families with layers and will process roos to eat. I can't find the guys number who told me about it, but he does some volunteer work and he was telling me about the program and I mentioned I had chicks.


Couldn't organizations like that help fight City Hall????

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