Bay Area BYCers!

Inconsiderate! It's YOUR land- you should be able to do what you want with it. They can have their dogs that bark in the middle of the night and chew slippers, but you can't even have hens for eggs?
That's place is pretty much doesn't exist here in California... at least not for cheap.

ETA: It's something that we've yearned over and sought out for a long time but the cost of living and value of land here is just too high. That's why we're considering Washington state!
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That's place is pretty much doesn't exist here in California... at least not for cheap.

ETA: It's something that we've yearned over and sought out for a long time but the cost of living and value of land here is just too high. That's why we're considering Washington state!

Hunnie move to is better lol...and thats where I'm going soon.....LOTS OF SPACE for LOTS OF BIRDS
That's place is pretty much doesn't exist here in California... at least not for cheap.

ETA: It's something that we've yearned over and sought out for a long time but the cost of living and value of land here is just too high. That's why we're considering Washington state!

Hunnie move to is better lol...and thats where I'm going soon.....LOTS OF SPACE for LOTS OF BIRDS

I couldn't do Montana winters... that's WAY too much snow. We're actually thinking of eastern Washington state, east of Seattle and into the interior of the state more. Away from all the rain and the coast.

I'm a big baby really, I wouldn't want to do SoCal because of the heat that persists most of the year and I can't be somewhere where it gets blizzards in the winter, the climate basically has to be pretty temperate year round..
Hunnie move to is better lol...and thats where I'm going soon.....LOTS OF SPACE for LOTS OF BIRDS

I couldn't do Montana winters... that's WAY too much snow. We're actually thinking of eastern Washington state, east of Seattle and into the interior of the state more. Away from all the rain and the coast.

I'm a big baby really, I wouldn't want to do SoCal because of the heat that persists most of the year and I can't be somewhere where it gets blizzards in the winter, the climate basically has to be pretty temperate year round..

Cheryl, Jeremy ...

Anything in the Salinas/Monterey County area? Or even toward Brentwood-Livermore?
There are small farms and acreage in Sonoma County also, like the Petaluma, Cotati and Sebastopol areas ... just a matter of being there at the "right time" when there is a place for sale. We like it here; not horribly hot, near the Bay Area, but still small town atmosphere. Real estate prices have taken a big hit in many places and there are places for sale. You just have to keep looking constantly !
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Daughter #3 lives in Brentwood (the Byron Brentwood) and Bill and I had been looking there for property too.

We had found 4 big houses with land, all on the same road and all REOs. My oldest daughter was checking her MLS for prices when he died, but no use doing it now.

She does find some great places, but I'm sure my income is way below most of you, so I can't qualify. If anyone needs her, she could use more clients. She's helped a lot of her employees and friends and she has been going through so many health issues, she's trying to build up her RE, so she can go RE full time. Same with her husband. They want to work together, so OK this is mom promoting. They are both very sweet, have 7 kids and very down to earth and caring, so clients really love them. Most of her clients have been word of mouth and even when she was a little girl, she never stops.

I return you now to the previous discussion
(Platter) Casting party at Kim's!
I wish I knew how to run a kiln... a coworker used to have one. I'll ask her.

Joe, the guy in UK who makes the straight wood egg rack, is looking into shipping for the one I want (in between bantam and standard, so my banty eggs won't fall through.
If the shipping terrible, does anyone up here in Sonoma County want to go in on an order?

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I have some friends on Grange Road in Bennett Valley (basically Southeast Santa Rosa) with 28 acres, who did all the legwork & surveying& permits for septics etc. to sell an 8 & a 10 acre portion so they could keep (most of) the family ranch,,,,, just in time for the market to crash. It has old oaks, a creek, and I would buy it if I had the $. It also has a built in chicken/goat sitter right next door. They had to pay $800 for permission for a new street for the driveway to the divided lots; I don't see a name on it yet so you might get to name your own street!

Last I heard it was listed with Coldwell Banker. I keep thinking of it when folks are talking about going in on a spot. Let me know if you want more info & I'll get a link.

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Hunnie move to is better lol...and thats where I'm going soon.....LOTS OF SPACE for LOTS OF BIRDS

I couldn't do Montana winters... that's WAY too much snow. We're actually thinking of eastern Washington state, east of Seattle and into the interior of the state more. Away from all the rain and the coast.

I'm a big baby really, I wouldn't want to do SoCal because of the heat that persists most of the year and I can't be somewhere where it gets blizzards in the winter, the climate basically has to be pretty temperate year round..

hunnie I am a california girl born and raised...montana winters aren't even that bad not in Billings....we are the panhandle decent winters northern is the worst .

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