Bay Area BYCers!

I'm off if High Street, below 580. I live in a tiny 1925 cottage, and keep bees and have a garden. I *think* I can find room for chickens...

The Alameda bike tour is Sunday May 15th from 1-4. I've got info about it on my blog .
My BCM (from Cheryl) Jane laid her first egg this morning! Does that make her an easter egger?


Sicilian Buttercup, BCM, Welsummer
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Hello folks... I've got a broody BPR hen who's been taking herself very seriously for the past few days. My neighbor tried to "break" her, but it seems only to have strengthened her resolve. Does anyone have fertile eggs they'd like to donate to a first-time-broody experiment? Otherwise I'm going to TJ's in the morning;)
You are very near me...I'm in the fruitvale.
I plan on going to the Alameda bike tour and would love to partner up if you'd like. You can tell me about keeping bees...I'm currently researching beekeeping.
Why would you think shes an easter egger after laying that gorgeous dark egg. If I gave you a BCM then she's a BCM

Cheryl, I think she was making a joke... because she laid a colored egg... on Easter.

Lostbody, I have fertile eggs! Blue Wheaten Ameraucana or sex linked Easter Eggers. (BW Ameraucana X Delaware)

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