Bay Area BYCers!

Oh Kim, I am so sorry. I had that exact loss happen to me about a month ago when we got hit with that hard rain & the juveniles in one of my grow out pens got soaked. I lost a bunch, but was able to save some that were down but not dead yet. Oh my gosh.............. I was so upset. My husband went out with me & I just kept saying OMG, OMG, OMG everytime I found another & another. I was sick!!!!!.. Let me know............. What all did you lose. Maybe I have some extras I can share.

Thank Karen. Hate to even think about it right now and you and I were just talking about it at your place. I didn't even know we had that storm coming in. It just hit and surprised me.

I had already had problems from that last one that you had problems with, but darn it, it's June! Not that I'm ready for the high temps. I moved out here to be warmer that the Bay, but I may have made a mistake.

I'm also having a bad hatch again. I've had good ones again for a while, and none of my pheasants have done anything and the eggs that were do today have pipped and died. One teo of those even pipped. Maybe I need to just give up. I think I'm too old and tired for this.
The newest additions to our micro farm, hours old Coronation Sussex chicks.



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I'm back in chicks.

So far I have 4 Wellies hatched and 2 pipped. One GLW, only one that made it and....................

One of my runaways came home today with chicks in tow. That makes 3 broodies and 3 still MIA.
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you do a lot Kim, anyone would be tired, then when tragedy strikes it wipes you out. I know.
Laurie (sneaking in from rainy Kauai & hoping all my chicks are well. My dog
the housesitter!)

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