Bay Area BYCers!

The NiteGuard lights have worked in my back yard for well over a year. I know they work, because I had heavy raccoon predation of my fish ponds (and they're right next to the coops) until the very first day I put up the NiteGuard lights. NO MORE EVIDENCE of raccoons at all - no more fish lost, no more aquatic plants pulled up, nothing.

So I bought some more and I'll be putting them up all over my new property up in the foothills; I figure those night predators might be a tad bit hungrier than city-dwelling 'coons.
awesome good to know

what height are you putting them at for raccoons?
I use those metal garden stake things that are intended to hold up heavy, single stalk flowers, and hang the Nite Guard unit off the curled bit at the top that goes around, say, a gladiolus or bearded iris. Between a foot and two feet tall; I push shome of the stakes further into the ground. And the hanging unit on the metal curl moves, if there's wind, so it's not a stable, steady blinking red light. I felt it appeared more naturally like an animal's eyes, that way. Plus they're easy to move to another location, which they wouldn't be if you screwed them into the side of a coop or a wooden post.

Just slip a zip tie through the top screw hole and zip it to the thick wire of the curled part of the plant stake.
Here's what I'm talking about:,37-470RS,default,cp.html

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