Bay Area BYCers!

Just had a big scare. I'm in the middle of packing and just happened to look out the window (as I do frequently to make sure the babies are ok) and I see a hawk divebomb my flock. I see brown wings hover for just a moment and hear my Bridget let out a blood-curdling scream. A cloud of white begins to settle (I sprinkled DE today). As I yell ineffectually and run down the stairs, I think there is no way I can make it to them before the hawk dives again.

The adults are fine. It takes awhile to count the babies because they've scattered. Plus Bridget's frantic clucking is distracting. Thankfully, THANKFULLY, all 7 babies are accounted for.

They're all going into the run now, so I don't have another heart attack.
So glad all are okay & accounted for. These occassional mishaps that happen can really keep us upset. I went out to the side yard to check feed & water in one of the grow out pens this morning & realized I had left one side of the hinged top open. I was lucky a cat hadn't gotten in there.........although that is the yard that the 2 small dogs have access too & they couldn't get to the chicks & would probably give holy H to any cat that tried to get into their yard.....LOL I just went out & checked the incubator to see what has hatched today & heard a very upset chick's cry from the brooder. I don't know how but a brand new Silkie my son brought in from outside had somehow gotten itself wet & way off across the brooder awqay from the light. It was screaming bloody murder so Iput it on a paper towl under the brooder lamp. Sometimes I think these poor little things are pretty stupid.....LOL
Welcome! There are a bunch of us up here in SoCo, and always glad to see more!
OK, here are my Blehm Ameraucana's up for evaluation. I can't believe we got them 3 months ago already! Both Lavenders were boys, and went to live nearby. (I will skip the little silver female in this round.)
Coloring, shape, ??? 14 weeks old as of tomorrow...

Wheaten #1 (Butter) Scotch She is my lighter colored bird of the two pullets I have:


Wheaten #2 Rye (Whiskey) She is the darker, caramel-colored one of the two Wheaties. Gingersnap the surprise Chantecler who is behind Rye, was also from J. Blehm!



Norbert, my white cockerel. When my Splash Marans rooster lets out his full crow, Norbert croons.... Maybe I'll have to change his name to Frankie!

Hi! I'm in Mill Valley with a small backyard flock of Silkies. You know, Silkies: those rebel "I'm gonna have 5 toes and wear turquoise earrings whenever I darn well choose, thank you very much", stampeding dust bunnies with feathered feet. 4 Hens at the the moment, assorted Silkie chicks arriving in a week.

I guess I'm too new to post pics, as I see no option to upload a pic.

Brawk buk buk!

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