Bay Area BYCers!

I always see TONS of listings for quail eggs here on BYC, you could check out the BST area.

What about chicks though? We plan on eventually of course hatching, but we would like to get started with a batch of chicks if at all possible.

What about chicks though? We plan on eventually of course hatching, but we would like to get started with a batch of chicks if at all possible.


Megan how soon do you need them and how many were you wanting to start with?

I'll have some soon. I'm moving some out this week to the breeder pens and have some more that will be laying soon.

I have some young birds, but they are laying. Maybe not like I thought quail would. LOL But I'm starting to get larger numbers or eggs set.
Megan how soon do you need them and how many were you wanting to start with?

I'll have some soon. I'm moving some out this week to the breeder pens and have some more that will be laying soon.

I have some young birds, but they are laying. Maybe not like I thought quail would. LOL But I'm starting to get larger numbers or eggs set.

Thanks for the reply! I will send you a PM with more info. Thanks!​
HOLY COW what do you do with all of them?

Kim was offered a business deal that was too good to pass up........LOL


Karen she got her Modern Game roo. T-Rex! LOL

I'll get better pics later. She tried to turn him with a straw and he'd grab it and think it was something to eat. They shared popcorn last night. She thinks this thing is going to be taken places when we leave the house. OK I do put chickens in my car, but I'm not rolling my wondows down for a bird to stick his comb out in the wind. No roosting on my seats! The kid is crazy. Right now she's trying to feed and water him. Oops he got out. LOL

She's good about wanting to help with all the others, but I told her if she really wants to show she has to make sure he's taken very good care of.

I actually wish I could have kept both of them, but I was pushing it to take one cage. I also wish they had had pairs. They had lots of Old English Games, but only 2 of the Moderns while I was there. There were probably more back there, but I got a call to go meet up to pick up Dakotah and I left right after we got this little guy. He sure is a sweet little thing. Anyway I hadn't seen Dakotah since the last day of school and was so excited I almost forgot T-Rex for a minute. LOL

I'm not sure what his color is as far as games. Another breed I need to study. LOL I think he's concidered a birchen though. That's what he looks like.
Look who has decided to be broody again...


Of course I gave Judy eggs, 5 Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Olive Eggers and 2 BBS English Orpingtons.

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