Bay Area BYCers!

Hi Everyone,

WFC sold out their chicks twice - last week, 500 or was it 700???-all sold on the FIRST DAY, Friday. This weekend, 700 chicks
... actually most were sold on Friday, and this morning, one of the lady clerks said there were only 11 when she came to work. We were there around 3 p.m., and the little chick room was locked, empty!!! And, you know, Rivertown, Larsens, Frizzele-Enos, Tractor Supply all have chicks available, but I guess WFC has the biggest fans!
Reportedly, people were lined up out the door to get their chicks. WFC does have a list of their chicks coming in on their website.
Judith said she was at Rivertown yesterday, and there were at least 3 to 5 dozen chicks around. Go figure ...

Hope to see some of you on Sunday at the BYC class with Walt.
I was hoping to maybe see you & Monet at the Youth Show yeaterday but I certainly understand not wanting to make that drive. It was a nice show & saw lotsa people, the regulars & met lotsa new people from on line too. In fact one is going to go to the class & has offered rides to 2 or 3 others from this area. I am going to write to Denny again to see if she is going to try to come. I came home with no new chickens but with Salmon Faverolle eggs & Ameraucana eggs from Bridget Little.
Aaron has several Yokohama out & I have an assortment of others. I finally got a BCM out of BigBoy to hatch....Yeah. I hope for many more.
See you at class on Sunday
Hi, Karen!

We wish that we could have come yesterday! The cost of gas is eating into our extracurricular activities! The last fill up, my van only got 14 MPG! YIKES! How did Olivia do?

I also want to say thank you for showing us around your place last weekend! We had fun seeing you and Olivia plus it is always a learning experience to see other people's chicken set up! If you ever want to part with that adorable splash pullet, just let me know! :)
Since Easter is coming up we decided to offer 15% off your first order of hatching eggs at We offer a variety of rare breeds. Currently we have BLRW and Araucana hatching eggs. If you are interested we can ship the eggs or you can pick them up in Vacaville, CA. We also make regular trips to the San Jose area where we could meet you to deliver. Coupon valid from 3/19/12 to 4/8/12. If you purchase eggs that are sold out you will be placed on a wait list and they will be shipped or delivered in order of receipt of purchase. Method of payment is Paypal.

Chicks also qualify for this discount! Happy Easter and Happy Shopping!!!
Hi Everyone,

WFC sold out their chicks twice - last week, 500 or was it 700???-all sold on the FIRST DAY, Friday. This weekend, 700 chicks
... actually most were sold on Friday, and this morning, one of the lady clerks said there were only 11 when she came to work. We were there around 3 p.m., and the little chick room was locked, empty!!! And, you know, Rivertown, Larsens, Frizzele-Enos, Tractor Supply all have chicks available, but I guess WFC has the biggest fans!
Reportedly, people were lined up out the door to get their chicks. WFC does have a list of their chicks coming in on their website.
Judith said she was at Rivertown yesterday, and there were at least 3 to 5 dozen chicks around. Go figure ...

Hope to see some of you on Sunday at the BYC class with Walt.
It's the year of the CHICKEN!!!
On my way to Nashville (woohoo wi-fi on the airplane) - Just looked up and there is a breeder there that I hope I can hook up with it, it's so fun to see others operations.

If anyone that is going to Walt's class this weekend that needs anything from my pens or brooder, let me know.

AND I had two epiphanies this weekend that I'd like to share. You know how you walk in the brooder room or near a chick cage and they all go ballistic running all over the place scared. Well I put a radio, playing oldies, in the brooder room and now when I walk in they are not frightened.

The other is that, my brooder room gets so dusty that I dust several times a day. This may not be new news to you guys, but I'm going to get an air purifier with washable filters (I think Oreck or brookstone have them) and put them in the room. I'm pretty sure that should help cut down the dust and make it healthier for the chicks.

What do you guys think? Have you done similar things?

My next project is to design a brooder water that the chicks can't poo in, won't tip over and is automatically filled.
Since Easter is coming up we decided to offer 15% off your first order of hatching eggs at We offer a variety of rare breeds. Currently we have BLRW and Araucana hatching eggs. If you are interested we can ship the eggs or you can pick them up in Vacaville, CA. We also make regular trips to the San Jose area where we could meet you to deliver. Coupon valid from 3/19/12 to 4/8/12. If you purchase eggs that are sold out you will be placed on a wait list and they will be shipped or delivered in order of receipt of purchase. Method of payment is Paypal.

Chicks also qualify for this discount! Happy Easter and Happy Shopping!!!

I'd like some Araucanas for my backyard please! :)

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