BBC Sherlock

Best show ever!!!
I am a Sherlock Holmes fan since freshman in high school.

Basil Rathbone, by far, is my fav actor and Jeremy Bretts is a very CLOSE second. Both actors portray Mr Holmes very well.

It was interesting to hear about Basil Rathbone's life "In and Out of Character" and hope Bretts will have his biolography somewhere. I'm fortunate to have one of Basil's distant cousin as my FB friend. The stories he told was no different than Basil's autobio. If you can find it, get it because it is very limited edition.
I love Sherlock Holmes; the stories, movies, TV shows, etc. My wife and I are currently into the TV show "Elementary." It has some deviations from the Doyle stories (most notably Joan Watson instead of John Watson) but it's very well written and acted.

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