BCM roo x Cuckoo Marans = sex link?

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9 Years
Mar 24, 2010
New Bern, NC
I have read through this thread about sex links, particularly the part about black sex links that says almost any variety male can be crossed with a barred hen to produce a black sex link chick.

If this is true, will a Black Copper Marans roo X Cuckoo Marans hen = sex link chick that lays dark eggs?
I have read through this thread about sex links, particularly the part about black sex links that says almost any variety male can be crossed with a barred hen to produce a black sex link chick.

If this is true, will a Black Copper Marans roo X Cuckoo Marans hen = sex link chick that lays dark eggs?

As far as plumage coloration, yes, you'll see sex linked differences at hatch, but not quite the same as you might expect. The offspring will be leaky-cuckoo (males) or leaky-black (females). The "leaky" is because the extended-black pattern of the cuckoo is not completely dominant over black copper pattern, but you'll still see the differences relating to barring. Another thing to keep in mind is that most of the Cuckoo Marans do not lay an egg as dark as the Black Coppers, so the female offspring from this cross will likely be intermediate regarding how dark their own eggs are. They'll probably be darker than the Cuckoo Marans eggs, but not as dark as the Black Copper Marans.

If you try this I would love to see the differences in the two sexes of chicks. We breed black sexlinks and Marans but have yet to use our Marans in making any sort of sexlink chick. But we have been considering it. I would try it now but my BCM roo isn't old enough yet (just now 20 weeks) and all but one of my cuckoo girls have gone broody on me!

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