BCY running slowly in Firefox, unresponsive script warning on every page


7 Years
Jan 26, 2012
I am using Firefox 28.0 on a mac and for the past few days, BYC has been running extremely slowly. Every time I try to load another page, I get the spinning rainbow wheel for 15-30 seconds and then this pops up:

The above is from when I accessed the homepage, but the script listed is the same on each page. I have tried both the "stop script" and "continue" options and have noticed no difference. The site is otherwise acting as normal for me.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I already use Adblock Plus... I am very surprised that it isn't taking care of whatever that is.
Well that's strange. :/
Maybe you should check the "Don't ask me again" box and then tell it to stop the script. If you haven't already tried that.

I have a minimal knowledge of Macs, sadly. Sorry I can't help more. :p
Princess Amri- That is the logical answer, but I'm afraid that it just keeps popping up no matter how many times I tell it to stop asking.

ChickenLegs13- That looks like it should do the trick. I'll try it when I'm back at my computer. Thanks!

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