Beak falling off 2 wk old turkeys


In the Brooder
Aug 11, 2016
I have two week old turkeys. First time raising turkeys from day olds. They are BBW. Weve raised chickens before but never have had this problem before. They appear healthy other than the fact that the tips of their tops beaks were blackened and now 3 out of the 4 turkeys tips of their top beaks fell off (the black portions...).
I don't think this is normal, what do I do? They appear to be able to still eat and drink. Though I imagine they'd have a hard time eating off the ground versus a full food dish since their bottom beaks are now longer

One of the 4 turkeys beaks haven't fallen off, but you can see the discoloured portion. That's what the other 3 looked like before I noticed it missing completely!!
So what was the answer, I may be looking at this wrong but seems nobody responded to your posts? I am very interested. I know the post is very old but still very important to know.

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