beak is!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 25, 2013
Today i decided to take my new chicks outside in their new run today (it was very warm) just for the day...but my dark brahma was pecking at something down on the ground near the fence...she got her beak stuck, starting screaming and pull it out...well now the top part was ripped open and it's bleeding...not a lot but there is blood....she's about 6 weeks old...i push the part that was loose back on and held her until she calmed down,,,,,i don't know what to do...should i put anything on it? well she be okay? i'm new at this and don't want my baby hurt
okay...i was able to get a better look at's not the actual beak put the tissue right before the there anything i can put on it, i'm afraid it could get infected....
I personally use Vetericyn.....I buy it at my local feed store. However, I have also used neosporin on any injuries. I would suggest to keep it clean and try neosporin. I'm sure someone with more experience may have better suggestions.

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