BEANS for chicken food

The problem with uncooked beans is the sugars that cause gas. Soaking and cooking (and throwing out the water!) cuts down on these sugars considerably. My chickens love cooked beans, but then they are used to them.

Most vegetarian cookbooks, speakers, etc, no longer worry about the beans and grains eaten together thing. Turns out our bodies can store amino acids and combine them as needed, so garbanzo beans in salad for lunch and brown rice with dinner makes a complete protein. The important thing is to eat a varied diet rich in leafy plant foods and plant-based protien, whether you are an omnivore mammal or bird!

Cook them up and feed away. Just make sure you are not displacing too much layer feed and that they are cooked through.
Although this FDA page specifically mentions kidney beans, some other beans also contain the same toxin. Kidney beans just have the most. As we've all said, just cook those beans thoroughly and you should have no problem.

Soy has different issues.

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