Bear attack!

21 attacks over 15 years in a country of 350 million people.

That means you're roughly 65 times more likely to be killed by bees.

130 people A YEAR are killed by white tailed dear in the USA.

Yes, encounters with Bears can be dangerous, but stop trying to scare people.
yes really...i agree with u Cray
We only have black bears in NH - and I have seen several. The last time someone was killed by a black bear in New Hampshire was 1784.
Since there are millions and millions of times more honeybees than black bears and only one honeybee sting can prove fatal, I reject this rational. Besides, many many more humans are stung by honeybees to no ill effect, if as many folks were mauled by bears as is stung by honeybees, the government would have Seal Team 6 looking for all the black bears. To suggest that a black bear bite is less a danger than a honeybee sting just doesn't fly.
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21 attacks over 15 years in a country of 350 million people.

That means you're roughly 65 times more likely to be killed by bees.....
Because there are millions of times more honey bees in the US than there are Black Bears I must reject your math. In the whole of North America there are only 600,000 black bears versus over 3,000,000 bee hives and each hive can harbor 35,000 to 75,000 worker bees anyone of which can prove deadly. If honeybees were even as deadly per capita as black bears are that would result in at least 250,000 human deaths per year.
Because there are millions of times more honey bees in the US than there are Black Bears I must reject your math. In the whole of North America there are only 600,000 black bears versus over 3,000,000 bee hives and each hive can harbor 35,000 to 75,000 worker bees anyone of which can prove deadly. If honeybees were even as deadly per capita as black bears are that would result in at least 250,000 human deaths per year.
You're ignoring the fact that we're talking over 15 years - not each year. Per capita numbers are irrelevant. The fact that there are less bears than bees doesn't make them more dangerous - it makes them less.

600,000 bears over 15 years is 9M bear-years. At 21 fatal attacks, that's about 1 death per 428,571 bear-years.

There are about 60 bee sting deaths in the USA each year. For 3 Million hives, that's roughly 1 death per 50,000 hive-years. Thus, having a bee hive around is about 9 times as dangerous as a bear being around, per capita.

Yes, an individual bear is more dangerous than an individual bee, unless you're allergic, but that's common sense, and doesn't need a whole bunch of fear mongering attached to it.
Haha.. I live in florida, so we don't have bears or lions or dragons and stuff.. But in all seriousness, we do have coons and bobcats. Coon killed my egg raised duck and didn't eat it, and bobcat killed my poor goose, and didn't eat it.

I would like to kill both them, and not eat em'.
Let them see how it feels.
Not sure what part of Florida you live in. If it were not for the electric fence around my bee hives on a tree farm in Palatka Florida the hives would be reduced to toothpicks in a week.
Sorry for the mis-communication :p
I meant in the section of florida I live in, we havn' seen a bear in over 50 years.. I guess they prefer the more jungle-y parts.. They do have em though..
Instead we get the coons and bobcats and other things :/
Yesterday we woke up at 6 to let the chickens out and found an adult bear inside the run and he had already torn off the latch on the coop door and we watched in horror as he attacked and chased our girls. 3 dead. I was able to convince him to leave by banging pots and screaming at him. He hopped right over two six foot fences and the local police came and chased him for us. The chickens that are left are devastated and I'm not sure if one will make it. She's limping a bit and won't let us near her. We're getting an electric fence today. We've done some research and they're really inexpensive. I'm hoping that will deter any further attempts, but a new winter and hopefully bear proof coop is already being built. I'm not excited to shoot anything, but it's not out of the question. I don't have any qualms about eating or shooting the bear if it becomes the only option, but there are plenty of bears here and I know it's not legal to discharge a firearm here in the city, where I am. I hope it doesn't come to that. We just don't have the freezer space. It is a fact that we practically keep bait in their territory and I'm sure since we feed fermented food that we really invited him in. I don't want to lose my tiny dogs either. I appreciate all the stats, but I don't see much in the way of real experiences and practical advise. The peanut butter thing is great. We'll let y'all know how the electric fence goes. We barrowed a friend's barking dog motion detector for the night and made it through the first night with no repeats. Any suggestions are welcome. We'd really like to avoid any more senseless tragedy. It was disturbing to watch. I feel better that I put my big girl pants on and saved the other girls. Wondering if a rooster would have provided any earlier warning for us. Any thoughts?

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