Beat up goose


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 16, 2013
I have two buff geese I got in April. I was putting them away ladt night when I noticed the back of the goose (there is a goose and gander) was all torn up and red under her back feathers. Is this from the gander? I am assuming he is mating her. What should I do?
I have two buff geese I got in April. I was putting them away ladt night when I noticed the back of the goose (there is a goose and gander) was all torn up and red under her back feathers. Is this from the gander? I am assuming he is mating her. What should I do?
Might be from his nails when he is mating her, some tend to be rougher than others. not much you can do other than putting a saddle on her I know they make them for chickens not sure about water fowl though. You could treat her with so ointment with out pain relief, or Blue Kote. Do they have water to mate in? seems that makes it easier on both.
I went out this morning and it looks like he went at her last night in the house. She has bald spots on her head and back. I've got them separated and am planning to keep them apart til she perks back up. She is moving around slowely and seems a bit traumatized.
I went out this morning and it looks like he went at her last night in the house. She has bald spots on her head and back. I've got them separated and am planning to keep them apart til she perks back up. She is moving around slowely and seems a bit traumatized.
My goodness I wonder what his problem is, and they have been together since sibs? and your sure you have both genders? any eggs yet?
They are sibs. I got them from Metzgers in the spring as a mated pair. No, no eggs yet. I am up in's still pretty cold up here.
They are sibs. I got them from Metzgers in the spring as a mated pair. No, no eggs yet. I am up in's still pretty cold up here.

Maybe some ganders are just rough with their mates I haven't seen it here with my 2 I hope some one else will be able to give you some ideas on what maybe going on.
I have a Naked neck roo that is about to pull all the feathers out of one of my LF hens head he is very rough on her. I put some Nu-Stock on her head tonight to see if it will stop him from being so rough it has Sulfur in it tastes bad. If you can put something on her like the Nu-stock I think there are other things too made for poultry that is suppose to break the pulling feathers out habit. Flockman has buffs maybe he could give you some idea what maybe going on.
I'd love some suggestions.

She's been isolated all day. She's been drinking water but hasn't eaten much.
I'd love some suggestions.

She's been isolated all day. She's been drinking water but hasn't eaten much.
Okay I sent your thread to flockman since he has buff maybe he'll have some insight. Have they been calling to each other? how is the gander with you?
My gander can be a stinker with the ducks and chickens but with his mate he is Mr. Gentleman which baffles me that your gander would be so aggressive with your goose.
Do you have time to watch them to see what maybe going on? I know weather hasn't been cooperating but some folks are already seeing mating with their geese, Mine were last year but not so far this year. Just wondering if he's trying to mate with her.
My gander is a little rough but it's his first time so I'm thinking he's not all sure of maneuvers. I saw him on top her but backwards, he soo fell off but my goose is not being all that accommodating since this is all new to her also.
I hope your goose recouperates soon .
Are you sure they are a male and a female? Could it be 2 males? Just wondering. I don't know what is causing the issue. I would keep separate for a few days and then let them together only under supervision for a while. Maybe his hormones need to calm down a little. I have never had this issue.

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