Because I care about my BYC family....

Thank you for not "Linking" me to Mr. Camping. I'm imagining that most of us will still be around on October 22nd.

I think we've got a few years until all hell breaks loose, but I do believe that tough times are about to be upon us.

Folks say that this "depression" is not as bad as in the thirties when there were folks lining up at soup kitchens. I say we are in worse shape.
Back then church's and charities helped to care for the poor with soup kitchens. Now, we all dig ourselves deeper into debt with food stamps. There is a huge difference between a helping hand up and a hand out.

I believe it won't matter who wins the next election, we've already passed the point of fixing our debt as a country.
(Although Congressman Ryan's plan comes closer to helping us fix it than anything I've seen - and folks on both sides of the aisle don't want to hear it)
I wonder when I hear anyone say there has been a 'recovery'. Perhaps in D.C., Texas and maybe in North Dakota, but NOT in Arizona.

The economy continues to slide down hill here... even the illegal aliens are leaving!

But you make a good point Ridgerunner, Preparation doesn't mean we have to drastically change things (ie... "bet the farm"), it's doing what you can with what you've got.

"If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear"

OK, steppin' down of the soapbox with my rant.
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Thanks Mahroni!

I am starting up a list for canned goods and all the stuff I can access online and probably holding a garage sale to unload the extra stuff that I have NO need or used it within the past year.

I have no stocks so there is nothing there. Only my pension, hopefully will be there when I retire in ten to 15 years.

Thinking about paying $5 to 10 more toward the truck payment so we have no loans except our house mortgage. No credit card bills.

Spent $40 on grocery on two bags of groceries, better stock on meat because the meat prices will increase. Farmers are downsizing their cattle during the drought. I don't have any information on the pork producers nor the chicken producers. If you raise your own meat or have some contract to buy a side of meat, you would be just fine.

Going to find hubby's friend to hunt some deer so I can fill my freezer.
I have been storing fat for years........... I'm always telling my skinny friends we'll see who has the last laugh.
If you die early, guess who the pall bearers will be. We get our revenge where we can.

I can just see the skinny pall bears trying to carry the "fat storing" friend's casket.
I'm thinking the fat friend may still get the last laugh.

Edited to add: Living in Florida pretty much requires being prepared for disaster. Last time we had a hurricane, everyone was worried about food and water. My family was eating corned beef hash and eggs. I crafted a little stove out of a plant hanger, aluminum foil, and candles I found (we were stuck away from home when it hit). I'm not saying the world is coming to and end but being prepared and resourceful is always good.
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I think you are 100% RIGHT

I was talking with a friend the other day about grocery shopping and I asked her where she was going with the intentions of finding sales that day and when replied she was going to the local big box retailer that sells nothing but pre packaged processed foods for a giggle I asked her who she made she spaghetti.

she replied well she gets the can of sauce and dumps it in.

I was in shock. The simplest thing to do is make a tomato based sauce

I then asked her about chili, the answer was pretty much the same but she adds a can of corn to the canned chili.

I asked her can she make it from scratch? her reply was NO her mom never taught her how to cook
My 8 year old knows how to make a basic chili and tomato sauce from scratch

I think my generation (I am 37) for the most part knows very little about how to survive if we do have a nasty economic downturn like the 30's a lot of my friends cook from a box, when I say I am making "home made" this or that they are is shock that I can do it. Or when they ask for a recipe and the instructions call for sauteed onions and celery they ask where they can buy that
are you kidding me?
i always try to be prepared, we have a generator, and a 3 freezers with pork chicken and beef. we have a extensive canned food storage.

people think im crazy.. lol
I want to dehydrate as much food as possible. That way we can store more in a smaller space. It might not be as pretty as frozen or canned, but I can cram a whole bunch into a small jar!
I have the plans and the glass to make a solar dehydrator.

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