Bedding estimate for 2 goats


Sep 20, 2017
Buying a pair of adult does next spring and trying to estimate how much straw bedding I will go through each year. 2 stalls 2.5m x 2m, deep litter through winter as gets pretty cold outside at -20°c, damn hot in summer at 40°c. Anyone able to offer advice on calculation for a bulk buy?
It's really going to depend on how often you clean out their stalls, and that really just varies.

I go through much more in the winter when the goats bunker down more, and even more during kidding season.

I would watch out for deep litter in the winter time- they'll pee on the straw and it will go right down to your bottom layer of straw and get moldy and gross if not cleaned up pretty quickly. I find myself cleaning stalls more often in the winter to make sure all the straw stays dry :)

Hopefully someone can help you with an estimate!
I would watch out for deep litter in the winter time.

We are in Bulgaria and it is the cultural norm to deep litter, NOT my personal preference. When I kept a horse I always mucked daily, and banked the clean straw to the sides to allow the floor to dry and air during the day. My friend deep-littered all winter and the spring clean out was terrible!
Daily lift and bank is not an option in the 6 weeks the temp drops to -20 to -25°c in the middle of winter, but a compromise of skipping out daily the poop and wet straw will probably have to be found.

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