Bedding for baby chicks


10 Years
Jul 29, 2009
Fort Worth, Tx
Can I use the eco earth reptile bedding for my baby chicks? It is similar to dirt and I figured it would make nice warm bedding. It is great for absorbing liquids as well. Any thoughts?
It hasn't seemed too dust when handling my skink, however not shure how it will be for chicks. If I want to use dirt what kind should I buy? The reason I was thinking dirt or the eco earth is that it does not leave a strong odor like pine shavings or hay.
Coir is dusty when it gets dry. (I use it with topsoil for my tortoises).

So you have to add moisture to it to keep it at the right consistency.

I'm don't think that is what you want with chicks.
Try looking into sand, that's what I'm using. :) We're getting our chicks next week so I can't tell you if it's super dusty or not (it probably is), but I can't have pine shavings as I am allergic to them. So I read about using sand, and it seems like a great option for me. :)
It hasn't seemed too dust when handling my skink, however not shure how it will be for chicks. If I want to use dirt what kind should I buy? The reason I was thinking dirt or the eco earth is that it does not leave a strong odor like pine shavings or hay.
I like to use shavings with chicks.

I can't imagine having chicks on dirt. It would be so messy! Plus if they spill water you are going to have a mud pit . . . Pine shavings work well for us.
x2 Yes you definitely don't want wet bedding.

Try looking into sand, that's what I'm using.
We're getting our chicks next week so I can't tell you if it's super dusty or not (it probably is), but I can't have pine shavings as I am allergic to them. So I read about using sand, and it seems like a great option for me.
I recommend covering the bedding for the first three days at least with paper towels so they learn what their food is, even with sand as bedding. I have used sand but I prefer shavings for babies. I use sand in the coop and nest boxes though. The poo is so small that it is difficult to get it out with the kitty litter scoop.
I recommend covering the bedding for the first three days at least with paper towels so they learn what their food is, even with sand as bedding. I have used sand but I prefer shavings for babies. I use sand in the coop and nest boxes though. The poo is so small that it is difficult to get it out with the kitty litter scoop.
Thank you! I am definitely planning on using paper towels or puppy pads, thanks for the reminder. Need to pick something up. :) So you use sand in your nesting boxes as well? I am planning on using it in the coop, but I couldn't find many posts about people using it in the nesting boxes. So you like it in your nesting boxes as well? I was thinking that I would give it a try (not that I have to make any kind of decision on that for quite a while still!).

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