Bedding in nest boxes?


9 Years
Jun 20, 2010
South Carolina
I'm sure this has been asked 1000 times before, so I apologize
But what bedding do you use in your nest boxes? I'm planning on doing the deep litter method with pine shavings in the coop. Should I use the same in the nest boxes? DH has mentioned straw, but I've read about them eating the straw and having impacted crops. Just curious as to what others do.
Well I'm certainly no expert, far from it in fact. I use hay, I raise goats and have tons of hay, I have used shavings in the past too. I use mainly hay though.
We put wheat straw in ours.We never had impacted crops.The chickens sift thru it when inside the nesting boxes and look for the pieces of wheat(when they are bored before laying and egg.)

Maybe we should line the walls with newspapers so they can read articles.
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iam using pine shaving in the pooped area and in the next boxes[which i am going to change it to hay] they are starting to pooped in the nest boxes too and laying egg in the poop area. i believe my hen are confused by the bedding lol
I use pine shavings for the coop and in the nest boxes. Nobody seems confused about it, here.

Although, after noticing what a ditz one of my young Silver Sebright pullets is, she may be the one that proves me wrong when she gets close to laying.
I've tried just about everything and the little buggers simply refuse to keep their beds made up. Shredded paper got eaten, straw and hey got kicked straight out, and then I followed a tip I got on here saying to use old towels and etc. In went a few old t-shirts and the days of chicken kicking their bedding out came to a sudden end. Also, I think they like the softness of cotton towels and t-shirts, and also, once they get dirty, a quick soak in some warm water and bleach leaves the bedding fresh once more.

Now, being a sucker for punishment, I just yesterday changed over to wood shavings, but, I have also modified the nest boxes so that it's virtually impossible for them to scratch the shavings out
I've also gone ahead and covered the entire run/coop floor with shavings and what a difference it's made. No more poopy smell, neat and tidy, and the girls stay amuzed all day scratching through the shavings. Of course they also get a banana leaf of two which they devour in minutes, and then they also get theire daily fix of grass cuttings, weeds, Chinese Water Spinach, Pak Choy, and etc.

I guess they are having a good life, but then again, they pay their rent all nicely wrapped up inside a shell
Okay, I've tried shredded paper from the office, shredded newspaper (which I shredded by hand and therefore was not shredded small), and hay. They prefer the hay over the rest by about 100 to one. They will only lay in the hay nests now, no more eggs in the other boxes.

I must say that this hay is small stems and pretty fine for hay, not sure where it came from. The hay I have in bales is much longer and not as neat.

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