Bedding options!


In the Brooder
May 24, 2018
Watertown, New York
hello everyone! We just moved chicks to their permanent coop/run and I am feeling overwhelmed again.
I’ve read that a lot of people prefer to deep litter for their coop and I think that’s what I want to do, but I have some questions:

1)For now my run is grass but what do o do after it’s gone?

2) How do I get started with the deep litter method in the coop

3) my run is not shaded at all and since it’s just grass there is nowhere for them to dust bathe. Any suggestions?
I used a chicken tractor so chickens get fresh grass everyday. It buts right up to hen house and I just open the house in the evening and they all head in. Like clockwork orange. The tractor has a tarp to keep sun protection and predator protection. Super light. My wife can move it when I’m gone.

As far as bedding. I use hay or grass clipping in the run. Coop I use shavings and change it once a month for compost
This may not be helpful to you, but I'll share what I do and ideas that I have heard from other members here on BYC.

For shade in the run
  • I use hay bales. I stack them 2 bales high in a three-walled square then cover with a tarp or piece of plywood. Serves well to provide shade, shelter, and cover from aerial predators
  • I have read that pinning up tarps or building a wooden structure works well for shade
  • My chickens free range and use the several cars/vans in our backyard for shade and cover
For dust bathing my chickens tend to use:
  • A tire filled with dirt
  • Mulch
  • Under bushes
To answer your questions
1) My run used to be grass, now it is a mixture of dirt and rocks. I leave it as such, but add some fresh dirt and hay/straw into the run every spring.
2) Typically, people use shavings. They start with one layer after a cleanout and then add more layers 3-4" thick as needed. Usually when the old bedding gets pretty dirty.
3) See above section for shade in the run
1)For now my run is grass but what do o do after it’s gone?

2) How do I get started with the deep litter method in the coop

3) my run is not shaded at all and since it’s just grass there is nowhere for them to dust bathe. Any suggestions?

1&2) Any reason why you want deep litter in the coop instead of the run? Do deep litter in the run after the grass is gone. But I wouldn't do it in the coop unless it's well set up for that - how large is it, what kind of floor (I assume directly on the dirt?), etc.

I just use wood chips in my coop, which get dumped into the run and mixed into the deep litter there.

3) Shade you can probably provide with some shade cloth or tarps. Dust bath can be as simple as an old tire, a kid's sandbox, raised garden bed, filled with your choice of dust bathing materials.
hello everyone! We just moved chicks to their permanent coop/run and I am feeling overwhelmed again.
I’ve read that a lot of people prefer to deep litter for their coop and I think that’s what I want to do, but I have some questions:

1)For now my run is grass but what do o do after it’s gone?

2) How do I get started with the deep litter method in the coop

3) my run is not shaded at all and since it’s just grass there is nowhere for them to dust bathe. Any suggestions?
I added 3 haybales to my coop/run, and they scratched it down to cover the whole floor. Effortless deep litter method.
1&2) Any reason why you want deep litter in the coop instead of the run? Do deep litter in the run after the grass is gone. But I wouldn't do it in the coop unless it's well set up for that - how large is it, what kind of floor (I assume directly on the dirt?), etc.

I just use wood chips in my coop, which get dumped into the run and mixed into the deep litter there.

3) Shade you can probably provide with some shade cloth or tarps. Dust bath can be as simple as an old tire, a kid's sandbox, raised garden bed, filled with your choice of dust bathing materials.

Thanks! I didn’t realize deep litter was used for the run.
My coop is 4ft by 6ft and it’s raised off the ground and has flooring.

I’m hoping to let them free range but I’m really nervous about it. I would love for them to have access to fresh grass everyday.

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