
People often blame the bedding for dust, but the fact is that chickens -- birds in general -- are dusty by nature.

Most of the dust isn't from the bedding, though they *do* scratch the bedding into fine particles eventually, it's from the birds themselves -- feather dander, primarily.

Even my cockatiel, who had a wire grate between him and the shavings in the tray, shed enough dust to coat all nearby surfaces with it weekly. (This is one of the reasons I brood outdoors).
When it comes out of the bag it is dusty. I may have to use it though.
I use TSC large flake pine shavings never noticed much dust but like @3KillerBs has stated chicken are very dusty so much feather dander. If it is that dusty out of bag I would not buy that product again.
I dont have a tractor supply near me. But maybe i will try to get larger pine shavings. Thanks for all the help.
We use shredded paper. My DH works in an office (a bank, actually) and they are happy for him to take home big bags of the stuff whenever he wants. It's cross-shredded so privacy is not an issue. It's amazing stuff, it wicks moisture away so it's never wet unless it gets rained on or something. Poop dries out quickly and settles to the bottom of the pile, leaving the fluffy dry paper on top. About once a year or so we may rake it out, and then sweep out the nice dry poop (and dust) on the bottom so I'll have something to compost. It doesn't stink or breed mites or lice. We use it on the floor of the coop as well as in the nests. I highly recommend it. We've used it for ten years. Oh, and you don't need a truck to haul it, it's free, and it's recyclable.

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