bee hive in the tree


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
Centerville Texas
A few weeks ago the boys went to the pasture to get things set up for bow season. They came back to the house and said I needed to come see what they found. So off we go on the tractor to see. I was totally amazed to see a bee hive hanging froM the tree limb. We have been here for 12 years and I allways thought it was weird that we didn't have many honey bees. About 4 years ago we planted some winter honeycycle (sp) I have noticed a lot more bees. The honeycycle blooms in the winter and we even have honey bees then.




We have marked the area off limits for now..The small ends on the left are new in the last week. They are by a creek were we also have a small beaver dam.
Just thought I'd share

you are welcome to put on the bee suit and get 'em. After all us kids moved out Father got into bees. He got very mad because at 7 months pregnet I wouldn't let his bees crawl all over me. I think this is really cool to see them how they are suppose to be. Will keep updates to see how they do this winter
we have a ton of honey bees here... the bee keepers moved the hives down the road for winter... when it warms back up they will move them back up north
hives found in the "wild" are eagerly sought because they are so hardy...if it were me, i'd be getting the supplies to keep them if I were you.

that's going to be some tasty honey.

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