Beginnings of bumblefoot or am I paranoid?

what cute socks, do they have the non slip bottoms?
I had to paint puff paint dots. She's not too happy to put them on at first,but she evetually got used to them.
I have been rubbing into her feet A & D ointment & Neosporin & then she has been wearing her baby socks. I have noticed the redness getting pale, but I just keep treating her feet. I need to make her some shoes or find some cheap ones to order.
Have you seen netties shoes she makes for ducks?
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Those are cute! I have some neoprene material,I should see if I can sew her up a pair.
Her feet seem better,not as red today. I don't know if the abrasions are anything to worry about.

my male had it, wash area with bentadine solution, then apply some neosporine, wrap with gauze, for about a week, changing dressing twice a day, you should see improvement within a week or so, good luck

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