Behavior of Mille Fleur D'Uccle Bantams?

My roo is terribly aggressive. I have no idea if the hens are calm seeing as they are impossible to catch. I have picked them up at night but i think they were only calm because i could have crushed them with one hand. My Big Girls ( Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, and RIRs) are much happier be held and cuddled then my banties have ever been.
I have a Mille rooster and a Mille hen. I love my rooster, Lennie! He's been fairly docile and s the only rooster I have right now that I don't have to watch out for. My hen, Adorra, is very flighty and would rather not be touched if she has her way. She pecks me every once in awhile if she gets a chance as well. They both are so small, neither of them are scary though! Here's a pic of the pair.

I love mine, but wouldn't call them docile. The hens are rather shy and my roo is a brat. He's a great rooster and takes good care of his girls, but he attacks me about once a week. I hold him and do all the Rooster-Red methods and that's good for about a week. The minute he thinks I'm messing with his women he comes at me again. On the plus side he's about 10" tall, so the damage is minimal. When he's not attacking he is very full of personality.
They are beautiful birds and the hens are very sweet, but mine have never been cuddlers.
My d'Uccle hen, Kaboodle will not leave me alone until I pick her up- she loves to be held and talked to. She will fly onto my shoulder if the other hens bother her. Her personality prompted me to start breeding mille fleurs. So far the chicks have proven very easy to tame: They love gooey bits of banana and now come running like auntie Kaboodle.
I love my Millies they are great. Thought roo has taken a discinct disliking for my twin sister and he has drawn blood twice after attacking her. When I hold him he is pretty good he does try to peck me but other than that they are my favorites. I have 1 roo and 5 hens. My hens love to squak at me especially when they are ticked and were not let out for the day.
I agree with this post (and a lot of these others). We had a trio, I had always wanted them and when we got the chance we got these last March. Last fall they were sold. They were the nastiest chickens we have ever had. Roscoe was even more aggressive than the standard game rooster that we accidentally wound up with. We have 3 of his daughters that are half OEGB and they are as flighty and impossible to catch as the Mille hens were. I know lots of people say their's are sweet, but our experience was that they were not, so be careful. We certainly couldn't let the kids around them.
I have 2 hens and a roo Porcelain D'Uccle that I've gotten as adults. The first hen is sweet as pie and talks to me and begs me to take her out of the run when she sees me. She's a little flighty when I go to pick her up, but once I've got a hold of her she calms right down and is happy to be held, I can even get her to sit on my arm while I walk around. My roo and other hen I just got on Friday, they are both still scared and very flighty. That hen doesn't even want to leave the coop, I think she's sitting on each and every egg she lays, gets mad when I take her eggs, lol. Thankfully her nor the roo have gone after me for taking the eggs.
My Roo has Little mans syndrome and hits hard, he has always had an attitude!
My hens are flighty, and have never let me hold them, they will eat out of my hand but pretty much want nothing to do with me!

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