Behaviour Management (Without the Stewpot)


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Adelaide, Australia

I'm so over my hen, she attacks everything. as in runs halfway across the yard to peck at anything smaller than her. After watching her chase my dog for 10minutes, I put her in Chicken Jail!!

Not that I really expect it to work, I just wanted my dog to have some peace and quiet.

Please tell me she'll calm down when she starts laying (The rude little hen in question in 3 1/2 months). Or is there SOMETHING I can do to this little rascal??
Oof. Sounds like she has plenty of room, if she is running across the yard. Chicken jail might help, at least with another chicken. And you can hope she'll be better when her hormones settle down; I don't know. I recently processed what I thought was a mean roo at 16 weeks, but she had eggs in her.... I'd have processed anyway because I don't want an attack hen.

Some have had some success with blasting them with the garden hose when they act up.
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I have a mean chicken like that....She grabs my smaller hens by the wing and swings them in circles...They are not free range they are in runs...But all the chicken try to avoid her....
Chase her back. Then when you catch her, put your hand on her back and make her squat for you by applying firm but gentle pressure. Pinch her lightly on the back of the neck while doing this. In other words, be the roo.
I tried that.. By the time I catch her she'll have forgotten why I'm chasing her and just think I'm a crazy person.
Damn fast moving chickens.
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Call me crazy, but this worked at our house. we had a RIR who was wild. She was also quite dirty. My dd got ahold of her and gave her a bath, then proceeded to blow her dry. She is now the tamest of all my chickens.

My BR roo was destined for the crockpot, so dd says, "can we try and give him a bath too?" i said, "Can't hurt."

My roo is now friendly. Go figure. So my advice is catch her, give her a bath, and then blow dry her. See what happens.

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