Aug 9, 2019
Ontario, Canada
Hey all!

I picked up this adorable little bantam at the auction I frequent. Hoping someone can narrow down what bantam I have possibly?


I believe they could be a Belgian D’Anver ? But they also have some slight feathering coming in on the legs so I’m unsure of it truly is or not :idunno

Also, no crowing yet and I’ve had them home for nearly a week now but also no eggs. Could be a younger one as well though as I still hear some chirps like the young chicks I just put into the coop.

Thank you in advance!!
My guess is a Self Blue d'Uccle or a Porcelain d'Uccle with poor coloring. Also, there should be a lot more feathers on the feet than that, so there is definitely some poor quality genes in there. Can you get better pictures so we can determine gender? The pointed hackles say male, unless that is just how the picture looks.
Duccles normally have straight combs but D'Anvers dont have feathered legs.
Could it be a mix between a Duccle and D'Anver?
I thought that too but the lack of feathers on the legs I’d have to think HorseGirlAbby is right with it being a few generations back the D’Uccle was in there :confused:
He could be a d'Uccle crossed with a d'Anvers, and that's my guess, but I think the d'Uccle is farther back than the last generation, because I think he'd have more feathers on his feet if he was half d'Uccle. Poor little guy looks to be in rough shape. :hmm
He definitely needs a bath and it looks as if they cut his feathers or he was in a tiny cage for the beginning on his life because the tail feathers are all broken off in the same fashion :(

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