Below Zero Blues


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 12, 2011
Palmer, Alaska
It's ten below zero here. It's been below zero for days. My chickens have stopped laying they are so cold. My car is dead in the driveway and I need to run errands. The hood is frozen shut so I need to take an ice pick to it before i can open it to put on a battery charger. I've had better days. I wish it would warm up.
Brrr...cold here too. Going to get down to like 7 but, with windchill, could be colder. I'm thinking about bringing in one of my Silkies roos as he was shivering earlier today. But I don't know if he was shivering from cold or excitement, cause he shivers when it isn't cold out too.

Can't complain though, for N. PA, we have had a really nice, mild winter.
We had that weather although not quite that bad before christmas:

Didnt thaw out for a couple of weeks, since we has so much more snow than the front range of the Rockies...
42° now and will get down to about 18 tonight. It only getting to 15-20 during the day the last half of december.
Overcast so we still have a lot of snow cover, but we did need it.

I feel your pain, wishing you warm green thoughts!!!!
Look for posts with pics from people in FL, made me so cabin fever sick...

Southern folks, got any pics to make the cold ones feel better?????
oooooo is that snow!!!! i want to see some snow here instead of the ice we get
blah stupid slippery ice (i am not i a child i am in my 20's but yes living in louisiana dont get to see snow just ice). i have built an iceman before but would be nice to build a snowman
Sorry about your car. Car trouble is always such an extra hassle in the winter. Maybe have some soup, tea, hot chocolate or hot cider when you get back. I have a lot of those in the winter, after I come in from outside.
Ten below? I won't complain about our 19 above zero temps! I've always wondered how people live minus 0 weather!

Maybe a summer photo will help:



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