That is a lot of extras. Fruits and veggies, maybe not so bad, but then also scratch, nuts and mealworms on top of that. For everything extra you feed them, you're changing/diluting the nutritional balance of the feed you're feeding. You may not see effects immediately but birds that eat too much fat can die of fatty livers, a lack of protein can cause feather picking, etc.

Recommendation on here is treats should be no more than 10% of their diet.

Also you'll find DE is a very contentious issue on here. It's used in feed to kill grain mites but beyond that it's rather iffy on effectiveness and potentially harmful as a respiratory irritant.
To deliver an egg every day, hens need undeniable degrees of calcium, nutrients, and minerals. Hens move a large number of these supplements straightforwardly into their eggs, so the supplements in layer feed assume a fundamental part in the eggs hens produces.
I get a egg from each chicken a day
I used to feed veggies & fruits along with grass clippings and then table scraps cause I've read/know others have, also ferment their feed (Flock Raiser). I put a halt to all the "treats" when I noticed they seem to be loosing weight. I was cautioned about so much "nutritional treats" could throw off the nutritional balance in their feed.

I stopped all table scrap & occasionally gave them some veggie/fruit/grass clippings, continued with the FF. Guess they were getting more "treats" than necessary, they started putting back weight back on and looking better.

As for DE ... It does not kill mites/lice but think it acts as a preventative. I do sprinkle the nest box, them and their CH with it. But they get a dusting of Poultry Dust or Sevin monthly as there's alot of wild birds.
They were losing weight because they didn’t eat their feed ? And only ate the table scrap ?

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