Bessemer Thread Revisited - No Flaming :)

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IMO, There's no such thing as this breed.

I tried pulling up Bessemer Ducks pictures and information on this breed and NADA! Not one thing! The only thing that popped up even close was this thread and the pictures on this thread.

Alright, instead of replying to twelve posts, I'll answer everyone's thoughts in one reply.
First, the main reason nobody can find outside info on this breed, is because there isn't any. Yet... The breed is either very new, or old and mostly hidden away. The exact origin is clouded in oblivion, but it breeds true, and other specimens do exist, although I'd estimate about 30 - 50 exist. I did not originate this breed. And I would assume it was began as a Rouen X Orpi Sexlink. I would tell you that this breed has not left Canada, but I can't say that for sure, because, like I said, this breed's general history if forfit. All that I know about this breed is the right-infront-of-me part, and that it has huge potential as the first colored duck to match the JPs in size. I foresee people liking this breed. I am trying to get it recognised by Feathersite, which is what I'm going to do as soon as I'm finished typing....
Actually, these photos were taken on a mild late fall day, and the snow was wet. They are very loose feathered, like an Australorp or Cochin chicken, so when they're feathers get wet, they get, well, yhehck.
I own these guys. They are an 'Awkward Breed Trio' (2 M, 1 F). It was one of those "Look, just take the ducks. All of them. Please" deals! Actually they cost about $50 for the set, and I got them from a fellow down near Toronto, who specializes in not havin any particular breed for very long before trying another! These ducks were 'willed' to him from someone, and he sold them to me.
You may be right. I've never compared them (actually, I've never even held a Show Rouen) so I don't know how heavy they are. They certainly are glandularly enhanced in the keel region. Sometimes I wonder how they can walk! Aylesburies are just as bad. I'll try to get a picture up here comparing the Bessemers with my Meat-type Rouen to show you the difference. I think I have a Bessemer/True Orpington comparative picture somewhere, but I have to find it and upload it...
You may be right. I've never compared them (actually, I've never even held a Show Rouen) so I don't know how heavy they are. They certainly are glandularly enhanced in the keel region. Sometimes I wonder how they can walk! Aylesburies are just as bad. I'll try to get a picture up here comparing the Bessemers with my Meat-type Rouen to show you the difference. I think I have a Bessemer/True Orpington comparative picture somewhere, but I have to find it and upload it...

Ah, here they are:

Here are my Bessemers (BTW, pronouned Bess - M -ur), having morning coffee with my Broodhens, A Rust Swedish and a meat Rouen.


And here are the Bessemers dwarfing my Pure Orpington hen. And she thought she'd look bigger with that angle!

PS, other ways to tell they aren't crosses: Buffs (like Orpis) and Greys (like Rouens) genetically are only able to produce either Blue Fawns, or Sexlinks (Blue Fawn M, English Buff F), so it's impossible that I'd have Buff or English Buff drakes from that cross. Anothere way, is their size. Orpis are little ducks, and Rouens are big ducks. Put them together, and you get: in between, not gigantic.
Wow, so this is a REALLY rare breed

They are big!
so pretty. Are you gonna be breeding them, and hatching eggs?
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