Best antibiotics to use?


In the Brooder
Aug 24, 2015
I have a chicken that has been to the vet several times and has been given baytril antibiotics repeatedly. She keeps getting sick. The vet can't figure it out. She will be sick when I give her antibiotics she gets better in about 3 hours. I finish the dosage. This time the vet said to give for 10 days rather than 7. She was great for about a week than she fell ill again. She is on baytril once again. Any suggestions on types of antibiotics to use? No blood in poop. Laid a lash egg last October. Once had a bacterial infection in her crop.
I have a chicken that has been to the vet several times and has been given baytril antibiotics repeatedly. She keeps getting sick. The vet can't figure it out. She will be sick when I give her antibiotics she gets better in about 3 hours. I finish the dosage. This time the vet said to give for 10 days rather than 7. She was great for about a week than she fell ill again. She is on baytril once again. Any suggestions on types of antibiotics to use? No blood in poop. Laid a lash egg last October. Once had a bacterial infection in her crop.

A little more information.
Photos or a video would be helpful.

When you say she keeps getting sick, what exactly are the symptoms?

Is she eating/drinking/pooping?
Is she lethargic, laying down, standing still, hunched up, walking funny like a penguin, etc.?
You mention she laid a lash egg last year - has she been laying normal eggs since, if not when was the last time she laid an egg and what was it like?
How does her abdomen feel - hard, soft, squish, fluid filled, etc.?
You also mention she had a bacterial infection in the crop (sour crop?) is the crop functioning normally now?
What type of foods/treats do you feed?
Thanks for the reply. When she gets sick she is lethargic lays down closes her eyes and is all fluffed up. She won't eat anything when she is like this and chugs water. She will occasionally throw up when she acts like this. Not sure if it is because she is drinking so much water. No sour crop she had round bacteria in the crop. The vet tested her fluid that time. Doesn't walk funny and abdomin is normal. She has not laid any eggs since laying her lash egg. She is 3 tho. I feed her mealworms and seeds as treats. I have to feed her the mealworms everyday at the moment to get her eat her meds. She also gets fresh fruits and veggies as treats. And toast with a tiny bit of peanut butter because she is so skinny. I try not to feed her lots of bread or treats tho.
Drinking a lot could be partly a slow or impacted crop, but if she is laying down a lot and has not laid an egg since the lash egg, she may have salpingitis. Antibiotics unfortunately are not effective for curing salpingitis, but may give some comfort/supportive care.

Provide her with her normal feed, you can add extra protein by giving eggs, tuna, mackerel or meat. You may also want to add some poultry vitamins to her water. Also provide some grit if she is isolated and doesn't have access to any.

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