Best Breed for Egg Laying?

In that case I'd say one of the hybrids then. I think most of the red sex link ones come from Rhode Island Red roosters and the chicks get their egg laying 'ability' from the daddy. Like you say, RIRs are pretty good layers.

I didn't know that. Sounds right though. My three are small in comparison with the rest of my birds but they are laying massive eggs. My Marans are big fat fatties but their eggs are just middling sized... has a breed selector tool that is handy for identifying the best layers. You can find it at Leghorns are what commercial layers use, so obviously they're the #1 layers. However, if you would like to have brown and/or colored eggs, or chickens that are less flighty than leghorns, there are lots of choices for you. Climate can play into the equation as well -- some breeds are much more cold or heat hardy than others. I figure if I have enough hens to give me the number of eggs I want, and they are fun and have great personalities, I am not hung up on having the most prolific (or largest egg) layer.

I guess it's logical that if Leghorns are the commercial egg layers that they would be the best feed/egg ratio bird. I guess my one demand I would have would be a non-white egg layer.
Do black sex links and other sex links lay at the same rate?
And are they the same as Stars??? I'm a bit confused on that.
Stars and sexlinks are the same. Redstars or Isa browns or Red sexlinks or Golden comets are the eggs laying champs. Black sexlinks are not far behind. You cant go wrong with one or the other.
I gots yas all beat.American Game can beat all those.We have two and an American Gray.They all lay eggs all the time.I haven't seen a day off from them besides being great broodies.

Nice med to small white egg.Yummy.
Australorp, Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Red Sex Link and Barred Rock. In order from best to worst of these wonderful layers (in my oppinion)
Red Sex Link
Rhode Island Red
Barred Rock
I have had ALL of these breeds EXEPT an Australorp HEN. I hope that helped!
First off I love your name lol. Thats one of my favorite movies. Now to your question. I have always read that leghorns do have the best feed to egg ratio. However if you are only interested in brown eggs i would consider Rhode island reds or production reds. A lot of friends i know like barred rocks and they lay pretty good and also dress out good. My friends like them also because they are pretty easy going. I have had some black sex links before and they were great layers. Laid just as many as my Rhode island reds. You can also mix and match and have a flock with several of these breeds in them and see which one you like the best.

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