Best breed for pasture & heat?

I am trying to figure out which breed will be best for laying eggs where I am. It gets rather hot here but we also had 1 or 2 nights where it was in the 20s this past winter. We also get a lot of intense wind and rain at times. Other times it's rather dry. My plan is for them to live in a tractor+run I can move around my property. I really just need eggs, since the only one here who eats meat is the dog. How friendly they are doesn't matter much, since their job is just to lay eggs. Parasite & disease resistance is very important to me, since I don't want to have to spend a fortune treating them for parasites. Being able to efficiently produce eggs on mostly what they can forage, with minimal supplemental feeding, is also important. Since who knows what feed availability is going to be. Basically I want hens that'll lay eggs with as little input from me as possible.

I was leaning towards Plymouth Rocks, but I'm not sure if they're the best choice. Any suggestions?
Buff Orpingtons

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