Best breeds for broody hens?

I’m looking at adding to my flock and one of my main goals is to add some breeds that will go broody. I am not interested in either Cochins or Silkies. Neither would do well with my climate. I’ve heard Orpingtons are good but at the same time the only person I know who keeps them has 2 that are over 10 years old still lay and have never gone broody!
Yes every one of my Australorps and many of their daughters, have hatched eggs. Very docile, they’d accept chicks too. Marans, Penedesenca and bantams also went broody. And one Naked Neck and one NN/BA cross hatched chicks.
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I’m looking at adding to my flock and one of my main goals is to add some breeds that will go broody. I am not interested in either Cochins or Silkies. Neither would do well with my climate. I’ve heard Orpingtons are good but at the same time the only person I know who keeps them has 2 that are over 10 years old still lay and have never gone broody!
Having a couple of American game hens (any type) in your flock is a BIG+. They are extremely GREAT egg layers, and VERY broody. They are great foragers, and help in keeping an eye on things with the rooster. They will happily hatch out any nest full of eggs in need of broody incubation.
I’m looking at adding to my flock and one of my main goals is to add some breeds that will go broody. I am not interested in either Cochins or Silkies. Neither would do well with my climate. I’ve heard Orpingtons are good but at the same time the only person I know who keeps them has 2 that are over 10 years old still lay and have never gone broody!
Buff orpingtons
So I’ve decided not to order chicks right now. I might place an order for September or October. But right now the earliest I can get chicks is is late June or July and it will be to hot for me to feel comfortable having chicks shipped especially with how everything has been with usps the past few months. I will update when I get chicks though!
Good idea!

we’ve had many many breeds over the last few years. Only the Black Australorp breed has gone broody. One was an AMAZING momma hen several times. The other would go broody for 2 or 2,5 weeks, then was done, never raised chicks. We’ve had, and currently have, breeds known to go broody, but not a single one has done so for the past 12-14 months. So, I’ll be getting more BA next year.

I prefer getting fall chicks bc weather still nice, they get feathered before cold weather, and as weather/season changes and light decreases, less time to harass the new younger chicks and come spring they begin to lay eggs in Feb/early March.
Update, from what I said earlier. I had 2 California White hens go broody, one after the other, just recently, which surprised me because theyre the youngest of all my hens, 8 months old but I had to pull them off the nest and move them to another area because when they got up to eat, they'd come back and get on the wrong nest, which made it hard to keep up with eggs from the other hens. Anyhow, I put one in a pen to herself and she didnt like that. Ended up jumping in and out of and breaking egg, so I just put her in the garden for now, since I don't have anything in it, at the moment, until she gets out of her broody mood.
This is an old post, but of all the broodies I've had over the years, the breed that is the best in my mixed flock at both setting eggs and in the parenting dept has hands down been Ayam Cemani, a close second would be my Marans. ACs are not an inexpensive bird to purchase, but both of mine are broody almost monthly (which is irritating for me!) and they seem to hold up the best to an actual 21 day hatch (getting up to eat and drink but then heading straight back to the nest), they never nip at me when I need to move them off the nest, and they don't abandon their chicks too quickly after a hatch. Plus, when they aren't broody they are daily layers. I've grown to love them for their broodiness LOL!
I’m looking at adding to my flock and one of my main goals is to add some breeds that will go broody. I am not interested in either Cochins or Silkies. Neither would do well with my climate. I’ve heard Orpingtons are good but at the same time the only person I know who keeps them has 2 that are over 10 years old still lay and have never gone broody!
I’m looking at adding to my flock and one of my main goals is to add some breeds that will go broody. I am not interested in either Cochins or Silkies. Neither would do well with my climate. I’ve heard Orpingtons are good but at the same time the only person I know who keeps them has 2 that are over 10 years old still lay and have never gone broody!
Marans and SGDorkings!.

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