Best broody breeds.

While some breeds tend to go broody more than others, it is also an individual bird thing as well.
Breeds that tend to go broody besides silkies are cochins (bantam and standard), orpingtons, marans and I am sure many others.
Leghorns, polish, legbars, not so much.
You should get them! they're also really friendly and sweet chickens.
I will hopefully soon, right now I have 3 golden comet hens, 2 blue Plymouth Rocks hens that are a year, 2 Cream Legbar pullets, 2 BCM pullets, and 3 st. Run Ayam Cemanis that are 9 1/2 weeks old. I’m getting some sussexes, ameraucana hens and Roos, true whiting blues, polish, and a BCM roo in June. It’s a lot but I’m excited. I hope I get a few broody girls out of all of this.

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